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SFX Standard vs. Deluxe


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Hello all


I’m looking to buy a software package (PC based) for playing back sound effects and music for live performances. I’ve used SFX before and although it took me ages to get the hang of it I was happy with it in the end. I can’t remember if it was the standard or deluxe version (I’m guessing deluxe as I remember it costing a fortunes).

The only place I can see it for sale is Kave and there selling the standard for £290.63 and the deluxe version for £495.99.




My first question is does anyone know were I can buy it cheaper?


The other thing I really want to know is, is there a really big difference between the standard and deluxe?


I need it to:

Playback music and sound effects simultaneously at different levels.

Fade music in and out on a button push at different points in the track.

Loop effects constantly

Pan from left to right


I think that’s it. I remember the version I used before had loads of effects and processing that I can’t see me using.


If anyone can recommend other software I would be grateful.


Thanks for your time


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I need it to:

Playback music and sound effects simultaneously at different levels.

Fade music in and out on a button push at different points in the track.

Loop effects constantly

Pan from left to right


Look at SCS, it will do all the above and a lot cheaper

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If stuck on using a PC then something like SCS (Sound Cue System) is very popular, and I have also heard that people like CSC.


If however you are happy to look at a mac solution (and since any show control machine should really be only used for that it whouldn't make too many odds) then a mac mini with Qlab is a very popular solution, I really like Qlab myself and find it very easy to use, and also pretty cheap!

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Well, I may as well join the "me too" bandwagon and say that I'm a former SFX owner/user who has moved to SCS rather than buy the last few upgrades.


The other thing you could try is the beta of Multiplay as written by the Blue Room's own David Duffy. (A BR search should find you details and a link). You may well find it does all you need for free and certainly my copy has been very stable.



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If stuck on using a PC then something like SCS (Sound Cue System) is very popular, and I have also heard that people like CSC.


If however you are happy to look at a mac solution (and since any show control machine should really be only used for that it whouldn't make too many odds) then a mac mini with Qlab is a very popular solution, I really like Qlab myself and find it very easy to use, and also pretty cheap!

I'd second a vote for CSC Audio. It would do what you're asking and a lot more even with the LE version. More info and demo version here: linky.

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Theres a comparison of various audio playback tools I wrote in the Wiki, and since that was authored SCS has implemented the one big thing that SFX had over it, which was an audio mix engine. SCS's mix engine seems to be a lot "better" than SFXs, not in functional terms, but SFX is very fussy over what soundcards it works with, whereas SCS (using the BASS Audio library DLLs) seems more tolerant.


You have to wonder has SFX has had its day; t'was the time when it was the dogs whatsits. SCS does enough of what is important to be enough for most people.

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+another for SCS. It now does video too, but I've not yet had time to fiddle with that.


V10 now allows you to tell your preparation machine that it has the same output config as the playback machine. Great help for me recording FX on a bog standard stereo output PC, but playback will be using a 4 channel M-Audio card.

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Thanks to everyone who has helped me out with this. As so often with these things you ask one question and get a total different answer. But that’s a good thing. I was fairly set on getting SFX as I’ve spent hours and hours trawling my way thought it in the past and thought it best to stick with what you know but now I know there are people out there using CSC hassle-free on a daily bases I’m more inclined to go down that route.

The other thing that was drawing me to SFX is the way I’ve seen it being uses in some massive productions (on the west end and touring) but after the link mrg198 left I can see CSC has had some pretty big outings as well.


On that note I see the CRT website were writing about CSC being used for shows and said it was used on “White Devil at the Chocolate Factory designed by Keith Hutchinson (probably the first 'officially known' person to use his iPod to control and programme CSC!)”

What’s that all about? Does CSC work with iTunes? We use iPods all the time and having a system that works with iTunes would be great.

This is probably in conjunction with a Mac isn’t it? I know a Mac would be great for what I need to do but convincing the I.T. dept that would simply be impossible.

The last thing we all need it enough Mac vs. PC debate.


Thanks again for all your helpful word


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