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Soundlab G018WG DMX controller working with Eurolite LED Par 64


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I've just bought a Soundlab G018WG DMX Controller which I was hoping to use with 6 Eurolite LED parcans but I can't seem to make it work. All I really want is to be able to colour mix with the cans. I only need to be able to create a few states (e.g- Fader 1 all the lights come on red, Fader 2 all lights blue etc.) Is this possible or have I bought the wrong thing for the job? (I'm a noise girl pretending to be a lampy)


I've managed to get as far as linking out of the controller into the first light then linking the rest together, I've made a terminator to go in the last fixture, I've addressed the lights to what the manual says..... but now I'm a bit lost.


Can anyone point me in the right direction?


Cheers Lyns

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With the Eurolite Led Pars you need to set dip-switch 10 to "on" to enter DMX control mode.

If you set the first par to "1" Chan 1 will be Red, 2 Green, 3 Blue, 4 Strobe, and 5 Dimmer.

The second par should be set t "6" third to "11" etc.


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If you don't need the lights to be doing different things then the best way would be to set them all to address 1 (e.g. dips 1 and 10 on, all the rest off) Depending on which Eurolite LEDS you have will depend on which channels will need to be up.

The 10mm Par64's are:


ch1: Red

Ch2: Grn

Ch3: Blue

Ch4: Dimmer

Ch5: strobe


So in order to get any light out at all you'll need Ch4 up and at least one of channels 1-3. To get colours other than one of the basics you'll need to mix channels 1 to 3 to get the desired shade.


I believe that controller has buttons for 'Head 1', 'head 2' or similar. If you patch all the pars to DMX address 1 you'll need to have the head 1 button selected in order for the faders to work.

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Thanks everyone,


I'll try some of the things you've suggested and let you know how I go on.




lyns B-)


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B-) :D :D


Thanks so so much! I've made it work! It turned out to be the polarity switch...


working like a dream now.





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  • 2 months later...
Don't they have a polarity switch on the rear? I know the other 192 units did and if its the same as the Stairville DJX16 then it should do also.

Indeed they do...! It may be worth switching the polarity across as this is likely to be the problem.


User Manual >>> Clicky!


Hi - I have recently bought one of these Soundlab SRC-173 / G018WG and have managed to get it working after a fashion. But the manual is of little help and I seem to have messed up the settings so I'm wondering whether there's an idiots' guide, training course or video, anything which will help a complete novice like myself? (It's for band lighting and I want to be able to set up "mood" lighting e.g. slow fade from blue to red and then switch over to sound controlled chase patterns.)

Thanks a lot.

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  • 1 year later...
Don't they have a polarity switch on the rear? I know the other 192 units did and if its the same as the Stairville DJX16 then it should do also.

Indeed they do...! It may be worth switching the polarity across as this is likely to be the problem.


User Manual >>> Clicky!



I have this board, as well as 2 x led par cans and a soundlab DMX dimmer board using 4 par 56's


with the polarity switch on one setting the led par cans work, with the polarity switch set in the opposite, the soundlab DMX dimmer works!


would one of http://cpc.farnell.com/AV14519 these work somewhere in the rig?



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