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Mics, Mics and speakers!!


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Hello all


I'm looking for a set up to help me with my PA set up

I currently have


1x Alesis Studio 32 Mixer

1x Studio Master 6-2-1

1x Gemini MP3 DJ CD Player


and I am looking to get

2x condenser mics (c1000s or rode m3?)

4x vocal mics

2x wireless handheld mic set

8x mic stands

1x speaker set (2 mid/ hi speakers 2 bass bins + amp)

*2x 20m speakon cables


my budget can go up to £800 but need to look for stuff that won't blow the bank and the items don't have to be top of the range!!






P.S This is actually happening I'm getting this kit very soonish!!


*unless kit had them included

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Well, from top to bottom:


2 x condensor mics - I wouldn't go for the C1000s. Personally I find them not nice sounding to say the least - if you look at something like the Behringer C2's, em700, em800 - to my ears these are all better (and cheaper.) I can't compare to the Rode m3 because I've never heard it!


4 x vocal mics - e845's would be my preference here, though if they're too much then the e835's sound reasonable for the money. You could go for 58's, but new they're about the same as the 845's, and second hand on ebay and suchlike I'm always very weary of because of the sheer number of fakes floating around.


Can't really advise on the wireless mics, sorry. But you're probably pushing it with this budget...


8 x mic stands - the studiospares budget ones are good for the price, and if you're not going to abuse them too much then I'd go for these. The same can't be said for budget mic stands across the board, I ordered a couple of millenium stands from Thomann and they're falling to bits after very light use...


Speakons - make them up from some 2 core power cable. Just make sure it's thick enough for what you're putting through it.


Speakers + amp - now this is the point where you're really going to feel the squeeze on a budget - with £800 you could easily spend more than this just at the budget end of the spectrum, and I'd really scrap the sub idea for the price you're looking at. I use some B1220 pro's regularly which have sounded pretty good for the money, so perhaps look along that line and find a cheap amp that'll handle them?


That said, even if you don't need the best quality I'd always advise saving to get something half decent rather than shelling out for stuff that sounds awful / falls to bits after being used twice. Do you really need all this stuff to start with, or can you afford to get by until you've saved up some more to buy some decent wireless mics for example?

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Someone had better ask, so here goes.


What for? What do you want to do? Is this for PA for a band, or for something else? The application really does matter. No point trying to advise if we have no idea where or how the kit will be used. Fill in some background...

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As mentioned here before, you can exceed your budget on radio mics alone. For example Sennheiser EW G2 Series can notch up to £400.


Also you don't want much budget end like 50 quid VHF Mics that have a range of about 10cm.


With the C1000s I find them OK to use if there is nothing else. Having used Rode NT3s and C1000s, the Rode I would recommend over the C1000. I would only go for the C1000 if there is not much budget left.


Vocal Mics again could be anything from cheap £5 jobs right up to Beta 58s and beyond. It really depends on what applications they are being used for. Also if this is for a school, be aware that items may go walkabout as I have found out when I was in school.


Mic Stands are cheap enough anyway. You can pick up OK giraffe stands for around a tenner or K and M ones for more.


Speakers again, what applications are they going to be used for then we can recommend for you.


Speakon like that maybe around £20 each


Hope this Helps



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With the C1000s I find them OK to use if there is nothing else. Having used Rode NT3s and C1000s, the Rode I would recommend over the C1000. I would only go for the C1000 if there is not much budget left.

I too will consider USING the C1000s if there's nothing else left in the mic box. But if it's my mic box, I wouldn't buy them to put in there in the first place! It's really not cheap for what it is - if you could get them new for £20 then sure, bargain. But (unless I'm mistaken!) you can't, and you can get much better for that price or less.

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There is a company called class d which specialise in budget gear.

I hvae heard most of these, and are great for playback.


I totally agree with that.

though, I personally wouldn't touch there full range boxes, there bass cabinets really do well. (even when pushed stupidly hard)


in fact, last summer I crewed on a outdoor gig which the FoH sound was a few stacks of only class D and got a reading of 115dBA at the mixing position (at least 12M+ away.)


I would not advise going wireless on a budget. it wont work at all. (my school, thinking it was being clever and technical. brought a 2 in one thing. after a handful of uses by not so careful students they are dieing.)


for speaker cable. (if you are seriously getting low of money after accounting everything else) use mains flex, wire is wire after all.


the DAP audio set you are looking at isn't (IMO) very good at all. the subs don't give out much power. (they give out a umprfft sound rather than a preferred punch) the 15"+HF cabinet is okay, but there wouldn't be much headroom when competing with drums (as for putting drums through them, I wouldn't think of it)


as most other people on here have said, what is this equipment for? where will it be used, for how much audience etc.

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well sit down and I'll explain all... I am beginner dj and I also help with PA stuff at my school and I also have a band. I am getting the kit so when I go and help at venues I have some items on me which the location might not have.


the only reason I have two mixers and a mp3 cd player is because some kind friends of mine gave them to me and I want to start expanding my rig by getting speakers and mics.


Sorry if this is a bit confusing



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If I were you I would run a mile with my cash if I was going to buy C1000's. If you want a good all round sweet sounding condenser mic then I would go for the Rode NT3's. They do vocals, overheads, acoustic guitars, all sorts and still sound amazing!!!!

Also the M3 isn't a bad little mic, I decided to buy one at music live looking from the frequency range. Its sounds nice on vocals but I havnt really had the chance to use it on anything else.


NT3's for the win!!

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and I am looking to get

2x condenser mics (c1000s or rode m3?)

4x vocal mics

2x wireless handheld mic set

8x mic stands

1x speaker set (2 mid/ hi speakers 2 bass bins + amp)

*2x 20m speakon cables


my budget can go up to £800.


SE1A's instead of the C1000's are about the same price, and far superior quality (sorry Paul :P ) and should cost less then £ 90 each.


The 4 vocal mics, Look at the Sennheiser Evolution range, or the bog standatd SM58... should cost between £40 and £130 depending on what you choose. Ebay? 2nd hand?, just make s(h)ure they're the genuine article, and not a clone.



As far as the amps, speakers and radio mic's go, I don't think you'll do it with you're budget, unless you're prepared to make some major sacrifices.

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