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Basic Lighting Design


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School show. Aladdin. Wednesday week.


We have three bars on stage: a 3-way cyc wash that probably won't get used as we project "backdrops", plus two downstage bars a metre or so apart with each having a fresnel at both ends and six Patt 137s spread evenly along them. All of these are presently open white although I was thinking of putting L003 Lavender Tint in one side's fresnels and L103 Straw in the other's for a bit of contrast in the sidelights.


At rehearsal this afternoon I noticed upstage people were quite dim (optically speaking!) and think I should use either a pair of our four Parcans or the two Minuette fresnels somewhere onstage to shed some light on them. This would leave me with Pars and/or Minuettes to try to get some backlight downstage.


FOH we have three bars and two wall brackets. The first bar is centre stage about 16ft from the curtain line and has four channels; the side bars are back a farther ten feet and are a bit farther out than the proscenium edges, with each having two channels; the wall brackets are another 10ft back and each has three channels.


I've hung four Patt 23s without shutters on the centre bar, operating in pairs off two channels, and am going to hang our trusty Patt 60 with them. These are all focussed downstage and I'm thinking of colouring them with L009 Pale Amber Gold.


I can put two Patt 23s with shutters on each of the side bars and I was thinking of focussing these upstage and using the cooler L003 Lavender Tint. I also have two Patt 264s which I can hang on either the side bars or the wall brackets but probably won't need them. The other pale gels I've got are Lee Yellow, Light Amber, Medium Bastard Amber, Pale Blue, Pale Rose, and Pale Green and I've a few denser blues, reds, roses and greens that should be OK in the Parcans.


The director hasn't asked for much more than "OFF", "ON", "FLASH SPOOKILY" and "FOLLOW SPOT" - so I'm not stressed! - but as I almost always work alone and rehearsals normally take place elsewhere I have few opportunities to to judge the effect I'm getting so suggestions would be much appreciated. In the four years that I've been doing this for the school (with no previous stage experience) this is the first production that feels as though the lighting is by design rather than the outcome of a random collection of fixtures, limited though it is. No one's ever complained about the lighting though - they're all too busy fretting about the sound!

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We have three bars on stage: a 3-way cyc wash that probably won't get used as we project "backdrops", plus two downstage bars a metre or so apart with each having a fresnel at both ends and six Patt 137s spread evenly along them. All of these are presently open white although I was thinking of putting L003 Lavender Tint in one side's fresnels and L103 Straw in the other's for a bit of contrast in the sidelights.

Are you able to light the whole stage with each of the fresnels or are they doing half a stage each? If so, then you may end up with one half of the stage in lavender and the other in straw which won't work as people will change colour as they move around the stage. How about having a pair of fresnels (1 x SL, 1 x SR) in each colour? If you wanted different colours from different angles (which usually works rather well) then put 1 lantern pipe-end L in colour 1 and 1 CL in colour 1 each lighting a separate side at the same angle, then do the opposite with the other colour. Apologies if this is what you meant in the first place!

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You may wish to consider swapping the side P23s for the P264s, should be a bit brighter, and will certainly give you more beam control.


Other than that all sounds like a well thought out design.




if the side positions aren't too far from the stage, the p23's will (as far as I remember) give you a wider beam spread than a p264, which might be useful if you have a restricted number of units or circuits; otherwise J Pearce makes a good point.

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