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CSD 250/2SE Early Failures


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Hi all,


Been away a while, but thought I'd pop back in :)


Just wondering if anybody had been having trouble with CSD250/2 SE lamps by GE. I had one explode early, after it had done around 500 hours in an MX-10. The units are kept clean and regularly get all the fur blown out.


Just seemed a little odd, and I wondered if I should maybe switch back to the MSD250s, however having only had one blow, I thought I'd put it to you guys too ;)


Hope everyone well



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Not specifically that lamp, but have had several samples of other hungarian-made GE lamps fail prematurely..a couple after only half an hour or so lit. I've also had a Philips CDM150 crack after only a couple of hours, I guess it's just an exacting science!
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Generally, I won't touch any lamp not Philips or Osram.


I find their QC tends to be miles above many other suppliers (GE's I have found to be down right terrible, I had one batch explode at 200 hrs). Philips and Osram are also very good about honoring their guarantees.

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We bought a set of 8 Ushio lamps (USD 250/2) to replace old MSD lamps as they were dirt cheap..... NEVER AGAIN!

Over the course of a month, lot's of problems, most of the lamps were blackened and didn't light after 100 odd hours and two exploded. I had a thread on it a while back but after it all, we realised that all the lamps had to eventually get replaced (with the intact ones being refunded for MSD's)



I'm sure though that most moving heads in the 250 region are based around the Phillips MSD250/2, hence why many manufacturers state that you should only use this lamp in their fixtures.

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Thanks for the replies. I have been chatting with another hire and service company who we work with, and they've had some trouble with the CSD lamps too. They do much bigger events than us, and have found that the colour temperature on the CSD's doesn't change the same way as with MSD's by Philips.


Generally, it's been that some have gone terribly yellow early, and some haven't changed until just before they popped, which was early too!


I think unless a club specifically asks for them, or isn't happy to pay for the MSDs, we'll be going back to just using Philips. Might keep a couple of them handy though, just in case!


Cheers all as always ;)

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My suggestion for rental houses would be to keep the lights with MSD250's installed. and supply CSD-250's as spares. That way you're not going to have to charge the customer as much when they "loose it" or it's "gone missing" or "you never gave us one"
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