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Sugar Glass Bottles


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Hi guys,


Im a 3rd year musical and technical theatre student from the university of cumbria. As part of our course (the musical theatre side) we have to devise our own musical which is on in Jan 09.


I need some sugar glass bottles for one of the scenes and I have scoured the internet with absolutley no luck in finding a suppier! Bad times!


Could anyone suggest a company close to Carlisle or Dundee where im originally from who may be able to help us or concequently if you are a supplier yourself and fancy helping out 3 students then I would absolutley love to hear from you!


My email add is scottdeeuk@yahoo.co.uk

Thanks for reading!

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I have always used RocsoLabs directly, they are not the cheapest but they do the job and can deliver quite quickly. It could well be different now but the last time I needed sugarglass I tried BreakawayFX (Link above) and I never got a reply to my enquiry either by Email or phone. Which was a shame as the range of items from Breakaway is far better than the Rocso range and the quality 'looks' better from the photos. I can't find a proper link, but this should give you an idea.


Don't forget to buy a few extra as there WILL be accidents, and be prepared for a shock when the carriage charges are added, although to be fair all of th ones that I have ever bought have ben extremely well packed and I have never had a postage breakage.

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