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pulsar desk help neede asap


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Ive turned up a venue that has a pulsar masterpiece 108 linked to a video projection. how can I switch between manual usage and the rs232 signal. ( at the moment when the video runs they have no lx as we needed houselights, and their is no technicial help on site.



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Wow, have never heard of a MP108 being hooked up to a video projector. Bit baffled really :blink:



tell me about it, solved it finally the old fashioned way turned it of and ran away! came back and the elves had fixed it.

Also found the release all button.

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So how and what were they actually controlling with this video projection/projector? Or did you not find this out?



there was a media centre hidden in the ladies toilets(accessabilty!!!) there was also a midi sync unit in the case, SO from what I can work out the midi must have been synced to the mdeia centre, which in turn was outputting Rs232 into the materpiece. very overcomplicated for a 10min video presenation WITH NO LIGHTS.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lots of money and no idea I think

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