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Pearl Issue


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Hello All,


Was using a Pearl 2000 this evening. Spent a few hours programming-As you do! When it came to show time I tried to do timed palettes "5" "palette button" and I found that none of the timing worked-Which made life annoying!


My question to you is: Can any one suggest why my timings wouldn't work? They worked fine during programing. I want to know if it's something I did so that I can avoid doing it again!





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Hi Andy,


What type of palettes were they? Position, colour, gobo etc...

Often, palettes such as colour and gobo cannot be controled by the timed palette function (as far as I know, I'm more than happy to be corrected by someone more experienced with pearls, as it would certainly make my life easier!).



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Strange. Unless I'm forgetting something obvious I can't think of any other reason for the timing to fail. The only possibility might be something went wrong in memory and needed a reset. But the only time I've seen that was in an old build where there was a maximum number of simultaneous timed recalls after which it would fail. That, as I recall, was the reason for 'kill timed palettes' (or something like that) in Focus/Options. Maybe hit that if it happens again?!
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