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Dimming Issues Zero 88 Fat Frog


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Evening Blue Room.


This has been bugging me for ages and I have managed to avoid the need to use this function until now, but please can someone help.

OK here goes .........


Zero 88 fat frog using latest operating system running 4 pearl river 250 moving head spots.

These spots have 13 channels -one of which is the dimmer channel, which, on the fat frog desk is designated under the "brightness" attribute, which, I'm pretty certain is interpreted by the desk as HTP.


OK so far


Cue 1:- open white, shutter full open, brightess 100%. The Master dimmer fader is up to 100%. The payback master (submasters) is 0% and no other submasters are being run. Record cue


Cue 2:- I wish to fade to black out I.e bring the dimmer channel down to 0%. However everytime this happens the lamps stay on at 100%.


I really can't work this out. I am happy to say if its really easy "I am not smarter than a two year old" but I need to suss this one.


One idea I have had that I have not tried yet would be to move the dimmer channel to a different attribute (probably shape) as this is a LTP precedence rather than HTP - but would it work. ?


over to brains greater than mine.... a plea for help :D





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Firstly lets try the easy option... I'm going to assume that you are trying to program the memory. You mentioned that the submasters were all down but also make sure that the Playback X (ie memory master fader) is also down. Also, do the shutters close when you run memory '--'?
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Did you tag the fixtures for programming before starting to use them? (a quick way is to select them then hit HOME, this tags and homes them ready to program). And also are you sure your tagging is correctly configured in the setup?
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thanks for all the replys so far guys -

Did you tag the fixtures for programming before starting to use them? (a quick way is to select them then hit HOME, this tags and homes them ready to program). And also are you sure your tagging is correctly configured in the setup?

Yes all tagged


What model? if there the pilot 250's I think there 15 channel,and the strobe is a seprate channel from the dimmer

Yes you are quite correct there are 15 channels there are 15 channels (late night brain fart !!) and strobe and dimmers are on different channels


I think the Shutter attribute has to be at 0 and the brightness then used for dimming.

The strobe is also on the shutter attribute, as with most moving lights.

Now you may have hit on something here - will try this later today and get back to you


thank you all so far - most kind



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awh the old fat frog PR 2250 problem. There are 2 different PR250s a 250 and a 2250 both the same but one is 13 and one 15 channels. The frog is setup for 13 if I remember right. Your best bet is to make your own personality. I think I might have it somewhere I can send you it.
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