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Avolites Pearl 2000 problems with roboscan 812


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Dear all, Im currently using an Avolites Pearl 2000 lighting desk and recently upgraded the software to the 2004 edition (yea I know it’s a bit late.)


Before I upgraded the software I was using a couple of robe 250’s and 4 Martin Roboscans 812.


After the upgrade I patched the desk as usual, but now something has happened and I cant use the Roboscans for some reason. Before I upgraded I had to strike the lamps by turning the macro up, but now the desk doesn’t even give me the option to go into the macro menu, neither does any of the other attributes work. I’ve also tried to run them on both personality modes using DMX 5 and 7. I know I’ve set the dips right, but not sure why this problem has cropped up.



If anyone else has had this issue or could shed some light on the problem, it would be more than welcome.




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Those fixtures don't have any macros. To turn lamp on set shutter channel to 100%.


If you don't have attributes and you're sure you've patched/selected correctly then it's possible soft didn't install properly. First try a soft reset of the desk and if that doesn't work then try installing again.

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What im saying is that I use to have to go into the macro menu (this is the menu that gives the option to lamp on/off etc.) But apparently because they were old, the lamp on/off function couldn’t be used, but you had to turn the macro using the wheel to 98, which I always did to strike the lamp. I’ve patched both modes more than twice, but still not joy. Would the personality be different on the 2000 software or would it just be the same one thats available at Avolites ?



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Personalities are all the same.


There is no macro definition. Macros are used when specific timings are required but this is not the case for these fixtures. Chances are you were entering the macro menu before but didn't actually need to.


Simply select fixtures, select shutter attribute and then wheel to 100% (range 93-100% according to fix manual). This will be the same for either 5 or 7 ch version.

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But as it states in the Roboscan manual


“After switching on the RoboScan 812, the lamp remains off until a “lamp on” command is


sent from the controller.” The only place where you can do a lamp on is in the Macro menu, in which I can’t even access,

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For temp , just try running it on the faders rather than as a fixture.


I used to run them of standerd lighting desks that didnt have macros etc - for example a Serius 24 - so im certain that the "lamp on" command is at the top of the shutter channel.

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A macro could be defined but there is no point. The purpose of macros is for when exact timing/values are used - ie. control channel @ 100% for 3sec and then immediate change to 0% with no values in between.


If you read the rest of the manual you will find that 'lamp on' is simply shutter channel 93-100%. So just set that when you first start!

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You've fundamentally misunderstood what's happening, I think.


Basically, the "macro" functions are just preset DMX output values; so "lamp on" for an 812 would simply output the Shutter channel at 93% for each lantern, which you can also do by selecting the fixtures, pressing the shutter/dimmer button and using the encoder wheels as normal.


All the functions in the macros can still be accessed as normal by simply wheeling in the appropriate values manually.


There are some odd features of the 812 personality, by the way, or at least of some versions of it, but nothing that will affect the macros. The personality we have has all the colour and gobo channels set as HTP rather than LTP, which is a right pain if you're running in Takeover mode as all the wheels close when you hit clear. I should probably bug Avo about that actually.

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You can't always do the macro functions by wheel since some fixtures that use them will specifically only respond when no values are seen other than the exact ones required. You can always do it by numeric entry though. Here though there simply is no macro and is just a shutter channel value with no specific timing.


According to current 812 personalities the colour channel is HTP but not gobo. I can't say why. Raise as a bug through fixture personality library if you want!

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