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Source 4's and acetate gobos

dave e

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ive heard that with the full size S4 profile (not the juniours) that the gate are cold enough to use acetate gobos in but dont want to run the risk of wrecking hire equipment in a test. Has anyone ever used acetate in an S4 gate and does it work???
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I dont know for sure but I think this is wrong as one of the main selling points of the Selecon Pacific range is that it is the only one cool enough to take acetate gobos due the reflectors.

I have not heard this about source 4s befoe even when working doing the demos for ETC.




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You're thinking of the Selecon Pacifics. You can project acetate gobos in those, but they have a finite lifespan and you have to set the lantern up properly first (lamp alingnment, field adjustment, etc.).


It can be done with a Source4, but you'd need to use Rosco's ImagePro device to keep the transparency from dripping out of the bottom of the lantern ... :o

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Selecon Pacifics are the best units to use for stand along acetate gobos. It is possible to use with other units. For a good source of information Look Here. Fergo who owns the site is an LD in Australia who has done a lot of plastic gobo work. His site has a lot of useful information.



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Selecon do a special cool gobo holder which includes a glass heat shield or you can (I think) just put the acetate into the standard gobo holder. You'd struggle to get a colour frame into the gate being much too large.
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From what I've read etc you can put the gobo straight into the gobo holder and into the gate. Some people have said running the lantern at 100% can cause it to melt, so you do need to play with the lamp adjustment and peak/field.


Re: the S4s - from the roasting the 750s gave me on the weekend I'd say the acetate gobo wouldn't last 5 minutes!




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in the pacifics they go into a normal gobo holder and do unfortunatly burn out quite quickly I always change them before each show, dont always need it but not worth the risk of them burning out mid show, especialy as you can get 4 + on a sheet of a few pence.



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when you use imagepros in a source 4 you have to change to a smaller lamp than the 750 (and don't turn the image pro fan off whilst the source 4 is on)
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