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XLR, making cables.


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I am looking at making some XLR cables from a cable reel and heads but I just had a look in the Lancelyn Theatre Supplies catalogue and it lists:


Mains Cable (3 core Flexible cable PVC/PVC sheathed)


6A 0.75mm 1500W max

10A 1.0mm 2000W max

15A 1.5mm 3500W max



Are these suitable?


Can someone suggest a UK supplier the above are £35-45 per 100m.



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What do you intend to do with these cables? XLR NORMALLY* refers to a microphone (or DMX) cable, those are mains type cables. Totally the wrong thing in whatever application except speaker cables for old kit that doesn't have proper connectors.





*It is actually a type of connector, but a bit like calling all vacuum cleaners "Hoovers" it is in quite common usage as a cable type. See the WIKI for more info.

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What do you intend to do with these cables? XLR NORMALLY* refers to a microphone (or DMX) cable, those are mains type cables. Totally the wrong thing in whatever application except speaker cables for old kit that doesn't have proper connectors.





*It is actually a type of connector, but a bit like calling all vacuum cleaners "Hoovers" it is in quite common usage as a cable type. See the WIKI for more info.


Speakers, cans, mics etc.


Wrong then :rolleyes:.

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Wrong then :P.
Yep, 'fraid so.

One example of cables for microphone and comms from our friends at CPC.


For speakers, you can use mains flex as you listed, but you will (again, in most cases) only need two core. Unless the speakers/amps are big I'd go for the 6A. Not intended to be denigrating, but I doubt you need the big stuff if you are asking this question. :rolleyes:


CPC search

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I just want to make standard XLR for general sounds use not two specific pieces of equipment.


Could be cans, could be mics, could be cue lights etc.


Is this okay - http://djsoundkit.co.uk/proddetail.php?prod=E485.





The link you have posted is to d0mest1c flexible mains cable - great for appliances about the home and not much else.


What's commonly known as "XLR cables" are normally used as signal cables to connect microphones, desks, FX, amplifiers, etc and for this purpose you want to use microphone cable.

Have a look at www.vdctrading.com and select cables, this shoudl point you in the right direction.



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What you want is microphone cable. I would recommend this - http://uk.rs-online.com/web/search/searchB...t&R=3657700



This cable is generally used for most things soundy - linking up cans, for mics or at a push running DMX down it.


I have some of this exact cable which I used for making XLR cables - never had any problems with buzzing or anything. Works a treat!




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