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E GO console


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So, I was browsing the CITT* newsletter today and found a mention of these guys:




I've never heard of them before, but the console looks pretty cool (if suspicously like a rendering in the pics...there are real pics on the site too..).


Also interesting; they claim that older consoles can hook up as a control surface to their PC offering...I'd be interested to see how that works out.


Looks like ex-AVAB people from the staff list.


Has anyone heard anything about these guys? Apparently they were at PLASA 07, so I imagine they'll be at 08 as well. Looks like the gap left by Strand has any number of folks wishing to step up to the plate...



EDIT: Further digging says: The MD and the offical address is in Madrid...the software guy is in Oslo, and the customer support is in Gothenburg....they also have a US director in San Fransisco, who also happens to be the CEO of AVAB America...who I guess have had nothing to sell since AVAB got bought by ETC. They also seem to be the same people as the SANDbox and SANDnet. It's all very odd.






* = Like the ABTT, only Canadian.

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More particularly, they are in that bit of the marketplace where there is a PC product that works with dongly type thing for a universe or two, and a "console" which is nothing more than a Embedded Windows PC with a USB control surface or two.


Getting to be rather a lot of them. There certainly is going to be winners and losers, the marketplace isn't that big...


Whats becoming abundently clear is that there isn't going to be a replacement for the 500s. Since there isn't going to be a "standard" desk any more, I suspect a lot more shows will be touring consoles.


Got to wonder how stupid the people at Strand and GenLyte really are, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory...

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It orginally surfaced in 2004 under the company name of "The Fun Company", and then disappeared for several years.

Press release

Copy of the original website


They showed hardware at plasa last year on a stand by the central bar. I don't know of anyone actually using one, or if it is actually at a 'show-safe' state yet. It appears to be of a similar theme to the old AVAB Safari console.



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