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Chemical Snow - Anyone used it theatrically


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Found this stuff on the interweb - "InstaSNOW" - Web site here complete with a chatty video demo on the opening page.


Well, I couldn't help ordering a 8 gallon bag, and the stuff duly arrived. It works just like the video, you add water, and get snow. It looks real good, I have some on my deck, the path, and on the permanent Christmas tree.


I've got a show coming up that calls for snow, and in addition to the usual gamut of snow techniques, I now have this, but was wondering - has anyone else used this stuff in a theatrical context...?


Given that 'snow' is slang for a well known drug, and this stuff is a white powder, and the customs declaration said 'Snow', I'm perhaps surprised it survived getting into New Zealand, and maybe thankful my front door is still on its hinges...

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I've come across it at Gulliver's Kingdom (don't ask!) where it's used as a little snow / skate area for small kids. It's like walking on slightly degraded, wet PTFE.


I coudl see it being a good effect, but boy is it slippy. I'm not at all suprised at Alpha's tale of woe.

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Agreed whole heartedly. I used a chemical snow effect last year for our xmas themed 12 hour club event and it turned into a pain in the ass. Mix it with "oodles" of spilt drink and it was hellish. Not to mention the venue cleaning staff after my balls the next day because of the mess.


and, I'm pretty sure it stains costumes, so if they are hired, best not take the risk eh?


EDIT: looked wicked though ;-)

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Thanks guys.


I can understand it could be slippy. If you grab the stuff in one's hand and squeeze hard it gets extruded out betwixt ones fingers, and it has a most odd feel.


Warnings about slippyness duly noted.


Now I better think about the smattering I left on the front path...

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  • 3 months later...

I am currently using a very similar product called 'EZ Snow' in a studio show. It is just before the interval and out of walking lines etc so slip hazard is less. BUT I am struggling to find a good way to make a controlled fall. Anyone have any ideas?



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Without contributing usefully, just to note that EZ snow is the same stuff; instasnow appears to have done a phoenix and reappeared with a new name...


When push came to show we didnt actually use the stuff, so I have a few unused packs of the stuff in the garage and no more practical experience than I had at the start of this thread :unsure:

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