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The indestructable Nexo PS15!


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See the problem is, they appear efficient on paper, but in reality they need stacks of power to get the volume people expect out of these "oh so magnificent boxes". This causes problems for DJ's as the program material is heavily compressed, it often sends the average level in W higher than the rms of the box. Things warm up, and eventually things fail. The only real way around it is to limit the system so the amps are never allowed to produce over the rms level of the speakers, but this of course limits your headroom. You can't add more boxes as they don't array properly, so you're stuck with a bit of a problem. Multiband compression is one thing or a compression with a bit slower attack time to allow transients through particularly kick / bass beats but all in all when they start to turn it up, which they will, and then start to turn it up until the system distorts, which they will, it is here where the protection is needed.


It's for this reason of inefficiency in real world applications, their silly dispersion pattern making them useless in quantities above 1, the fact they require 7 megawatts to be audible and their horrible overly processed bright and fatiguing sound that makes me dislike them.


Other than that they're a good box.


I couldn't agree with you more rob, I also dislike the ps15 because of the price to quality ratio its just not good enough.also I think the crossover point on the td15 is two low. I've heard ps15 chinese copys @ 1/4 the price and they would give the real thing a run.

yamaha might get them to sort it :( :(


on another note I think the ps8 is the best 8" on the market!

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The indestructable Nexo PS15!

just replaced 5 drivers in a club today and they had the proper TD controller driven by camcos! I hate dj's! :(

repair bill is looking scary.


That in Tralee Dave?


Where has Nexo Gear - I know fabric has some EAW anyways

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In an effort to drag this vaguely back on topic.....

Is anybody else getting very concerned at the apparent number of cabinets falling/being dropped?

I found a PS10 with a snapped hf flare in the repairs pile today, looks like it's had a fall. . On checking the lf driver the magnet looked ok, but the voice coil is now scraping, whether this was due to the fall of other abuse I can't tell.

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on another note I think the ps8 is the best 8" on the market!


Not that I've used it, but I reckon the baby 8in from the RCF TT range would give it a good run for its money! :(


Yes, The tt08 is very good indeed, Have put them in for a few talk's and they have impressed all, And I can transport them easily too - Can transport them in a mini cooper even!!!

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In an effort to drag this vaguely back on topic.....
Is anybody else getting very concerned at the apparent number of cabinets falling/being dropped?

I found a PS10 with a snapped hf flare in the repairs pile today, looks like it's had a fall. . On checking the lf driver the magnet looked ok, but the voice coil is now scraping, whether this was due to the fall of other abuse I can't tell.


They all seem to suffer from this. No internal bracing, and the plastic seems to harden or just get weaker over time...

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