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The indestructable Nexo PS15!


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Had a bit of an accident at a gig I was doing the sound for this weekend.I was using a pair of Nexo PS15's with a pair of LS1200's.It was an outside gig and in an effort to make the sound fuller I decided to stand the LS1200's on their ends and stack the PS15 on top coupling the cabinets.Unfortunately I failed to realise the stage the speakers were on was sloping slightly forward and due to this,the movement of the musicians on stage and bass vibrations one of my PS15's fell off the LS1200 face first on to, lucky for me, the soft soggy grass below.It seems none the worse for the experience but I was wondering what sort of problems should I look out for after a fall of this type?
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Hmm, We'll moisture damage is your worst danger, I'd suggest you leave it in a nice warm place for a few days to remove any moisture (eg hotpress). And then have a look under the grill if you want. But it should be fine


Secondly, Buy ratchet straps or distance poles or something...If that had landed on some punter you'd know all about it I can assure you.


Ending on a happy note, Hopefully it all works out ok,



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Generally when you knock a speaker like that over, the box survives pretty well, with only scratches. You're probs most likely to knock the magnet off the back of the woofer in my limited experience. Often this just diminishes the bass response considerably, while the speaker still looks alright from the outside. While it's possible to mend them, I generally play it safe and pop a new driver in it.



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The Nexo boxes are good, they're not indestructible but very well made nonetheless. One of ours at school moved and fell off it's pedastal (a good 15-20 feet high) onto a (usually) hard wooden floor. Smashed straight through the floorboards, and turned a pretty hefty joist into splinters. The speaker had hardly a scratch on it, and the sound wasn't really affected either.


I don't think the magnets coming off the back of the bass drivers is an issue with the Nexos either. The driver caskets seem very solid indeed and I expect you'd just end up taking the driver right out of it's place before you pull the magnet off.


What can happen with the Nexos is the weight of the HF driver magnet pulling down on the (relatively well made, but not bulletproof) plastic horn. Eventually after the speakers being dumped in the back of a van, or moved around constantly, the whole horn snaps off. Not really audible when it happens either, you'll just notice that it sounds appalling...

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I think you'll be fine. Just let it sit somewhere warm for a few days to make sure its nice and dry as fatfrog suggested.


How long was it lying there? was it righted immediately, or did it lie there for a while?


It was righted immediately.

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I don't think the magnets coming off the back of the bass drivers is an issue with the Nexos either. The driver caskets seem very solid indeed and I expect you'd just end up taking the driver right out of it's place before you pull the magnet off.


What can happen with the Nexos is the weight of the HF driver magnet pulling down on the (relatively well made, but not bulletproof) plastic horn. Eventually after the speakers being dumped in the back of a van, or moved around constantly, the whole horn snaps off. Not really audible when it happens either, you'll just notice that it sounds appalling...


We had a PS10 decide to commit Hari-Kari a few years ago ( DJ decided to take it off the tripod and leave it on the subs with no straps...grrr) ...snapped the horn and the magnet shifted enough to lock the voice coil.


Nexo gear is no different to any other higher end speakers. It will last a lifetime if you drive and handle it correctly but you can still kill it ...nothing in a PA is "indestructable"?



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See the problem is, they appear efficient on paper, but in reality they need stacks of power to get the volume people expect out of these "oh so magnificent boxes". This causes problems for DJ's as the program material is heavily compressed, it often sends the average level in W higher than the rms of the box. Things warm up, and eventually things fail. The only real way around it is to limit the system so the amps are never allowed to produce over the rms level of the speakers, but this of course limits your headroom. You can't add more boxes as they don't array properly, so you're stuck with a bit of a problem. Multiband compression is one thing or a compression with a bit slower attack time to allow transients through particularly kick / bass beats but all in all when they start to turn it up, which they will, and then start to turn it up until the system distorts, which they will, it is here where the protection is needed.


It's for this reason of inefficiency in real world applications, their silly dispersion pattern making them useless in quantities above 1, the fact they require 7 megawatts to be audible and their horrible overly processed bright and fatiguing sound that makes me dislike them.


Other than that they're a good box.

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