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Backcloths on Ebay...


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This MAY be more pertinent to the Crew Room, but who knows...?


We had a tidy out this week of our cloths in storage and 're-found' 2 or 3 cloths that were quite honestly looking like they'd been painted by a 6 year old. In fact, as they had the word "Workshops" scribed on the back they may very well have been painted by pre-pubescent children!


Anyway, as we were re-photographing the half-decent cloths anyway, we hung a couple of them and snapped their images as well. Then someone suggested Ebaying the things, just to see.


So - I did. As I'm selling some profiles & fresnels at the moment (see ad in the 'FOR SALE' forum), two of these cloths are now proudly up on display awaiting a little tickle. You never know who might want a badly painted bit of scenic cloth - maybe they want to look at over-painting...


Either way, one of them has at least one person watching the auction at the mo...


So I'll just sit back and watch.... ;)

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Either way, one of them has at least one person watching the auction at the mo...


So I'll just sit back and watch.... ;)


One of the groups I follow - and it could have been this one found a car for sale - the owner had relisted and spat the dummy as he had 100's of watchers and had answered as many questions - to get no bids - well the relist was worse for him - he had dozens of questions a day and everyone added it to the watch lists - not that I am suggesting.........



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One of the groups I follow - and it could have been this one found a car for sale - the owner had relisted and spat the dummy as he had 100's of watchers and had answered as many questions - to get no bids - well the relist was worse for him - he had dozens of questions a day and everyone added it to the watch lists - not that I am suggesting.........



That could very well have been the BR - I do recall something like that.

However, this isn't anywhere near the seriousness of selling a motor. I've stuck 'em up more as an exercise in seeing if anyone's interested in what basically is a cr*p pair of cloths, suitable only really for a primary school backing (so if there are any early years teachers out there... :** laughs out loud **:)

Won't bother me if they don't sell, or if I have to answer a few questions. ;)


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Well, what do you know - BOTH the cloths have a bid on them!!


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