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Desk Simulation Software


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I'm a sound guy mostly, and occasionally am expected to know lighting too. Unfortunately, I don'tknow enough of the software in the desks. Could anyone point me in the right direction for simulators. Also, which ones would be most important to learn first, and which can wait. (No current bookings for lighting so nothing that obvious).

I currently know of these simulators:

Phantom Jester, Phantom Frog, Phantom Frog 2

GrandMa onPC

Pearl2004 Simulator

Is there a Strand offering?

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Hog2 Simulator - here


Cyamsys/MagicQ - here


In regards to Strand.. they did (IIRC) used to have a 500i series OLE/Sim on the website, but dammed if I can find it now, hopefully another member'll be able to help with that. But - here. Is a link to the Palette OS Sim. You have to sign up.


HTH, Tom

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It might be a good idea to get a basic understanging of all of them so, when you do get a gig thrown at you last minute, you can at least program a scene on all of them.


And of course The Frog and Jester are so simple to work with you'll only need at most a hour for both of them. ;)



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Hi Leggy,


The Vista software is free to download, and will operate straight away in what they call "visualisation mode". This means that you can use it for evaluation, training and visualisation, but the DMX output is set to 0's for 5 seconds at a time at random intervals. To enable "show mode" (with no blackouts!) you need to purchase a dongle. You can get dongles ranging from 128 DMX channels all the way up to unlimited.

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Hi Leggy,


The Vista software is free to download, and will operate straight away in what they call "visualisation mode". This means that you can use it for evaluation, training and visualisation, but the DMX output is set to 0's for 5 seconds at a time at random intervals. To enable "show mode" (with no blackouts!) you need to purchase a dongle. You can get dongles ranging from 128 DMX channels all the way up to unlimited.



Thanks for clearing that up mate, I realised I had made an error there and came back to edit but you beat me to it.


I guess thats what happens when you post late at night in a slightly unfit state of mind!



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