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Ok, I have 2 Strand Canata 26/44 atm and I am hoping another pair will come up relitivley cheap (but in good nick) soon so I can buy them into my stock.


The question is, does anyone know of a good quality scroller that will fit these lanterns, 2nd hand or new? I have got a show coming up next year for a school that hires off me and knowing the Drama teacher she will want 4x the amount of colours to the ratio of lanterns. So having 4 Cantata's with Scrollers will obviously help me in my LX design. Unless anyone else has any other ideas, other than telling her the obvious which is 'you have used your 48+ channels so you can't have any more'.

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My advice is if you are going for a Rainbow scrollers then consider getting a full square backing plate with stand off screws. If you use the Rainbow universal mounting plate with a Cantata then it will more than likely fall out as the Cantata has no bottom gel runner to hold the bottom clip of the Rainbow mounting clip.

If you do decide to go for the Apollo scroller then their universal mounting plate is of a much better design with thicker side runner clips so no bottom clip is needed.

Hope this helps?

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