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Head worn microphones for pantomime...


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I disagree. Make up adaptors where necessary. Yes it's more connections. Yes it's more to go wrong, but if they're made properly they wont cause any problems. SO why make them and no change the plugs? When your mics fail and you need to buy replacements the day before the next show, or hire replacements until you can have more delivered, you have your adaptors made and don't need to sit with the soldering iron 10 minutes before doors altering what may not even be your mic.
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Actually, despite the price, the sound quality isn't half bad.


Excellent - If only everyone who spends a few hundred quid on a mic knew about these beauties! Surely they are that price for a reason?


An addition -


I can do you some Lavs - Sennheiser MKE2 if you make a good offer for a months hire... Just insure them and I'll be happy to sort some out - Its better to have good quality to start with.

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