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Pearl pallet fade times


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is there a way to record in the show memory, a different "default" fade time between pallets...

it just seems a little daft entering the time between every colour change if EG the client only wants slow transitions...


search was not my friend :)

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Yes. You can't store per palette, but there is a global control:


Master palette time is found from focus menu ([focus] button)/options. One of my features I believe! :)


Also, for semi-permanent timings, values are held while in the focus menu.

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have a play with it first though before you try and do a show like this. I personally don't like it as I record many playbacks by fixture. If you have your chosen fixtures set with a chosen palette ready to go, you might get a little shock when you fire the playback and the fixtures return to the original colour / position / gobo etc you recorded the playback in (in my case o/w when I was expecting UV)


It just takes a difernt agnle for programming and you may find you just prefer having the option of altering the time as you go.


Just my 2p's worth and I may be (hopefully) told of a way around this.

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This is true and I agree....however I keep getting jobs for clients who dont know what they want and like to "wing it" in the show....

I usually only use the palettes for colours, gobos and effects, movement,dimmer etc is all on subs...


its also the easiest and fastest method I like for concerts.

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