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mini dimmers.


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Hi, a question or two, Im a bit unsure about patching in generics when dealing with small dimmers.The reason being the small switches with the numbers on the front of the dimmer.. I know that they are related to the DMX512 addy' but dont know how to go about it.

For example, if I just wanted to patch in a single par64, how would I go about it?And then how about 12?

Its just the addressing part that gets me, how do you patch in the first address and then the last address with these switches?

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See here for a bit on what those small switches do:




Generally, you'd set the start address for the dimmer, so this would be channel 1 (or your first light). Everything else would follow on from there, second channel on the dimmer would be channel 2, so and and so forth.


If you were using six channel dimmers, then you could start your second dimmer at DMX address 7, so the first channel on that dimmer would be 7, second 8, up to the sixth, which would be DMX 12.

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It would help if you told us the make and model of the dimmers. In fact, follow the link in my signature and read that thread about how to ask for help.


Anyway, to answer the question that I think you're asking, then the DMX address is the "start" address. So you tell it the first number that you want to address it to. So, for example, with a 6-channel dimmer, if you set it to 1, it will control channels 1,2,3,4,5 & 6. You would then set the next unit to start at 7. And so on.

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