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Educational AV technician wants to move into live events

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Hello all, I'm new to the forum and was hoping someone migt be able to give me advice career wise.


Im 25 and graduated about 3 years ago with a HND and BA in photography (I preffered the HND as it was more technical)........ anyway I decided after wasting three years studying photography that it simply didnt offer me the financial security that I would have liked...... (unless I did weddings)... So basically I fell into my educational AV job had worked as a number of different college technicians during my degree)....


Ever since I was about 14 Ive have been absolutely into music beyond all belief, have probably seen about 400 bands live and been to lord knows how many festivals..... Ive always been very keen on the visual projections and use of lighting aswell as the pyro side of things. Ive started thinking that this is probably where I'd want my career to go, but am not sure what qualifications I'd need, or how I'd go about getting my foot in the door....


Can anyone offer me any advice on a good way to start looking for a position and any professional qualifications that may aid me (Im not intending on wasting another 3 years of my life in Uni).

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Hi, welcome to the Blue Room. This kind of question gets asked a lot round here, have you had a read of some of the other threads in the Training and Qualifications sub forum?


Also, where in the world are you? Your profile doesn't seem to say :o

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Hi, welcome to the Blue Room. This kind of question gets asked a lot round here, have you had a read of some of the other threads in the Training and Qualifications sub forum?


Also, where in the world are you? Your profile doesn't seem to say :** laughs out loud **:


Sorry Im in surrey...... I work in covent garden so am used to travelling to work too.......


A lot of the things I read in the training and quals section started of with someone talking about a qualification, then someone else coming along and saying how rubbish they were :o


I know from the industry I've been involved in a bit (photography) photographers pretty much take the mickey out of you if you do a degree etc...... of course no-one tells you that until you've done the degree.... Is that the same in this industry?


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A lot of the things I read in the training and quals section started of with someone talking about a qualification, then someone else coming along and saying how rubbish they were ;)


Its just dawned on me I was looking at a different forum..... Ill go and have a gander now.

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Guest lightnix

Hi sim667, welcome to the Blue Room :o


...photography... simply didnt offer me the financial security that I would have liked...

No disrespect, but what on earth makes you think that working in entertainments will offer any better?

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If you want to get into video, get a course done on the MiTrix and MiStrip kit, and perhaps LED screen bits. These seem to be popular these days, and I am guessing that will give you some reasonable grounding.
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Hi sim667, welcome to the Blue Room :guitar:


...photography... simply didnt offer me the financial security that I would have liked...

No disrespect, but what on earth makes you think that working in entertainments will offer any better?


Because the photographic industry is oversubscribed by 75%...... the UK alone turns out more photography graduates than there are jobs in the entirety of europe.......


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If you want to get into video, get a course done on the MiTrix and MiStrip kit, and perhaps LED screen bits. These seem to be popular these days, and I am guessing that will give you some reasonable grounding.



Thanks ill give those a google now.

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