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MD10 fuses


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It's becoming increasingly difficult to source MD10 fuses to go into the pullcap fuse holders of our aging STM and Permus racks (yes, they are well past the age at which they should've been pensioned off, but that's a whole other story). With 316 dimmers to keep running, it's starting to become something of an issue.


Does anyone have a decent source of MD10s that they can point me towards?


As a side note, we were amused to discover this afternoon that Farnell's Russian 'division' sell UK-made MD10s, but their UK operation doesn't. How mad is that?

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We know about RS - they're pretty much the only place we know of which carries these at the moment, and when you replace the amount that we do, their prices are far from brilliant. Every time we find another alternative source at a better price, they don't seem to be able to supply any more when we next need a batch :P.
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Just a thought but have you thought about replacing the fuses with MCB's? Looking at the RS price you'd only need about 4 fuse changes per channel to of paid for the MCBs.


Obviously if you are looking to replace these racks in the not too distant future it's not the most cost effective way.

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Replacing them with MCBs would be a possible short-term solution, but I fear not really cost-effective - realistically we can hopefully expect to be replacing the dimmers sooner rather than later (the oldest ones - the STMs - are 32 years old this year). We're a local authority venue, though, so trying to make the case for funding to replace obsolete three-decade-old performance-critical equipment is difficult when the education department have such a pressing need for yet another new iMac to augment the several that they already have .... :P
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I think we've had this conversation before on here!


They're made by Lawson of Newcastle-on-Tyne so maybe a phonecall to them will provide a list of wholesalers.


They're not only used in pullcap holders, but also in Wylex Consumer Units and certain industrial dinrail-mount fuseholders.


Wylex used to do special MCBs which plugged-in where the fuseholder cap pulled out, maybe these will fit if the tripping characteristics are the same (I thing Wylex were type B and I assume they do a 10A one!???)



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The md10's (bs88's to an electrician) are not the same as the ones used in wylex standard range fuseboards and switchfuses, these are bs1361's.


bs88's are still in common use in switchgear and any electrical wholesaler should be able to supply them.

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