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Zero 88 Jester 12/24


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I hope someone knows the answer to this and I'm sure someone will. I'm going to be hiring a Jester 12/24 (tight budget!!!), what I was wondering is how to set a channel on a submaster to be above 24. I've been looking through the manual and playing around with Phantom Jester for a few hours but am yet to find a solution.
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No that is not possible, to program subs on the jester you have to push the fader up, you can't type in a number for example, it has no keypad you can have 24 faders but any number of DMX chanels (1 universe) on any fader then programme that into a sub so you have control.
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Yes, you could control DMX 125 and save it to a sub, but first your would need to patch one of the 24 channel faders to DMX 125 and then save it to Sub 3. As Schooltechie says, there is no other way of inputting channel data into a memory such as a keypad.


If you need to still have access to DMX 1 - 24 on individual faders, you have lost at least one of those changing the patch. Whether it is possible to record Sub 3 with DMX 125 and then repatch your 24 channels depends on a) How the Jester records data - DMX number or Channel Fader. b) What the Jester does when you alter the patch AFTER you have recorded a memory.


These two points are not clear to me although I have used the Jester quite a bit.


So, if you need to control DMX numbers above 24 you can easily alter the patch to do this. If you still need to control Dimmers (for example) 1 - 24 AS WELL see if you can "pair up" two DMX channels (two dimmers) to one fader. Again, I can't remember if this is possible at all with the Jester, but if so, it might help your situation.

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To clear things up, the Jester records *channel* values, not *DMX* values, so the example by indyld wouldn't work. If you alter the patch of the channel, the new DMX address will output the level that the old DMX address was outputting before you repatched. This is ideal for touring. The Jester 12/24 only has 24 discrete channels and therefore if you want to control channel 125, as others have said, you need to lose one of the channels 1...24, or use an "auxiliary". Auxiliaries are patchable DMX channels (upto 12 on the Jester 12/24) which have a defined ON and OFF level and don't get programmed in cues. This makes them ideal for things like DMX Hazers and Smoke Machines. Full details on Auxiliaries are in the user manual.


Hope this helps,

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