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Yamaha O1/V 96 or DM1000


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HI everyone, I know that this topic has been mentioned before in earlier posts but with a little time past since then I thought that maybe someone could help me with the decision of which digital desk to go for (please,,).


I have put together a PA which I am very happy with (SSE Betamax tops and bins, QSC 1450 - 1850HD - 2x 2450 - DBX Driverack) but have to now decide which is the best mixer for me. Alas I do not have time on my side as we are having a pre-production in 5 days (ouch) so I need your help.


I will need to be mixing drums (8 channels), electric and electro acoustic guitars (2 channels) - bass (1 channel) - keys (2 channels) - Mini disc (1 channel) - 3 vocals (3 channels) - spare wired mic (1 channel). So I am looking for at least 18 channels. Need to send out 4 monitor mixes.


I already use an O1/v as my keyboard mixer so I am very familuar with its way of working. So, do I invest in a DM1000, best price with meterbridge is £4500 or a O1/V 96 at £1450 and then buy a Behringer AD convertor to get the extra analogue inputs/outputs? Should I consider the LS9 also???


Apart from price is there much difference between the two?


Any help would be appreciated.


All the best


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Are you playing keyboards & mixing from the stage?


If so, as you already have a 01/V 96, would linking a second one to it give you what you need?


See page 234 of the manual for details.



Yes, I do play keys from stage but I would have an engineer to work the FOH desk for me. I had the job of paying for the PA in the group (woe is me)

Good suggestion about linking and if we had no engineer that would be a very good idea. Thank you.


Still unsure which desk,,,,aaagghhh,,,desicions!! Please help

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OK, another idea then. :P


LS9 16 will do whatever it is your minidisc does from a USB stick. So, that's 17 channels required.

Do you need that spare to be actually plugged in, or would "ready to grab" be OK down an extra multicore line?

Or do you need 8 drum mics?

Do you need two keyboard channels? <_< ;)

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HI Mark,

Thanks again for your reply.

Did see the USB socket on the LS9 and while this would be great for background music, our use for minidisc is for click purposes. One channel to the drummer and one to the FOH mixer. I trigger this from my Tascam MD350 which I have rack mounted in my keyboard rig.

Good point about the drums, could cut that down I guess to 5 or 6? Could also sacrifice the spare mic with a lead also,,,that would bring me down to 15/16 channel. I could then use an LS9 - 16 channel.


Which would you say from the choice of O1/V 96 - LS9 or DM1000 would be the best for my needs??


I really am at a loss.

Thanks again


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I've only seen the DM1000 in a studio and from what little I know of it, it's not set up to be easy & quick to use live. I could be wrong though. Also, is it only 16 mic inputs?


I have used 01/V & LS9 though and would pick the LS9 for live use every time. However as you already have a 01/V and they can be linked, if not now, then later............


Think I'd go aaagghhh if it was my choice!


I'm sure you'll get some other suggestions soon.


Good luck

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I own a DM1000 which I use mainly for live work--it's gets set up in my home studio as required but its main job is live theatre stuff. I've also used an 01V96, mainly in a studio and edit environment but for some live stuff--and I've done a couple of gigs on an LS9.


Between the 01V and the DM1000, I much prefer the DM for live work. The routing flexibility on the outputs alone (12 "do anything" omni outs vs. 2 monitor, 4 omni and 2 stereo outs on the 01V96) make a big difference for live work, but once you learn your way around the board, you find that there are front panel shortcuts for most functions you need in live work that make it much more analogue-like (after a long learning curve though). I could go through a lengthy list of things I like but frankly most of them wouldn't mean much until you have the mixer in front of you.


Suffice to say that, 3 and bit years ago when faced with the same choice, I went with the DM1000.


Now comes the joker though. If I had the choice today, I'm pretty sure I'd go for the LS9. If the DM1000 is a second generation live digital desk, the LS9 is 3rd generation. It's designed specifically for live work and you're not paying extra for all the studio features I have on the DM1000 (or on an 01V for that matter). You don't have layers to contend with (not the big issue some people make of them but still not ideal for live) and the UI greatly shortens the learning curve. Alas, it's the most expensive of the 3 options, but I think it would be my choice.


That said, now that I know the DM1000, I won't be replacing it any day soon. It's a great little workhorse and (equipped with 2 MY16AT cards and some ADA8000s) gives me 48 channels in an 19 inch wide package I can carry by myself. Even the LS9 doesn't do that!



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I own a DM1000 which I use mainly for live work--it's gets set up in my home studio as

That said, now that I know the DM1000, I won't be replacing it any day soon. It's a great little workhorse and (equipped with 2 MY16AT cards and some ADA8000s) gives me 48 channels in an 19 inch wide package I can carry by myself. Even the LS9 doesn't do that!


But the LS9 can!!! Can't it? I am in the same position as the OP, I am leaning towards buying and LS9-32 for live use and theatre, mainly because I has 32 faders and you don't need to got throught layers to get to them unless I go above 32 which is not likely!

prob I have is that it to be used in hire waht to take the leap to digital instead of getting a new A&H or soundcraft! so prob will only wet hire the LS9 if I get it!

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For Pattonaudio...


The LS9/32 could go up to 48 inputs if you add the appropriate MY16 card and external preamps (in fact you could even do 64) but it's over 30 inches wide, compared to the DM1000's 19 inches. That's not a criticism--you get a fader per channel up to 32 inputs but the trade off is that 32 faders add to the width.


The LS9/16 is a similar size to the DM1000 but handles a maximum of 32 channels even with the add ons...and only gives 8 outputs unless you add expansion which wouldn't be enough for some of the things I do.



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@-themadhippy - Good suggestion but the mini disc is for our click track so one track goes to the drummer and one to FOH. Need it to be on stage with me aswell.


I have taken on all your comments (thank you to all those who have helped with your posts, really appreciate it). I have decided to go with an LS9 - 16ch. Would have liked the 32ch but funds are limited. Also, it should be worth pointing out that Yamaha will be increaseing all their products prices by 5% on 1st July, 2008. With this in mind I will be purchasing my LS9 on Monday 30th.


Will be using the minidisc/USB to provide background music before we perform (saves on the DJ costs too)


Many thanks again for all those who have posted on this thread. I really appreciate all you help.


I will add to this thread with my thoughts on my choice on mixer.


Thanks again

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