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Which way is up?


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Here's the thing. I know it isn't a very important issue - but which way up do you use these things? If you have the hinge at the top, then when you put them down on a flat surface, you can take the end covers off easily enough. But the labels are then upside down, and the seam in the aluminium framing is at the top and visible, which is annoying.


But if the hinges are at the bottom, then it's much harder to take the ends off when down on a flat surface. Whichever way, it needs to be the same for all of them so they will stack properly. Is there a right answer? What do other people do?

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I've always stacked them with the labels the correct way up when the covers are on.

I do it this way so that they still stack with my other cases which are Prolight (and these actually have an UP label on them).

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I know what you mean. I'm in the "use them upside down" brigade with white gaffer tape saying "This Way Up" and big arrows stuck over the Gator labels.


Or, at least, I was. I sold my last Gator-cased outboard just before moving to Aus and haven't replaced it yet.



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By 'hinge' I mean the kind of 'knockdown' hinge which you can simply lift off - This page has images of what I mean. And Gator clearly mean for them to be at the bottom, with the lock at the top - but it's often easier to have the lock at the bottom and the hinge at the top.
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Ive looked at pics and I still have no idea what you mean


their are no hinges on these case they only have a mini butterfly catch

which work either way up


And the casing has feet and location bits to show top or bottom


Am I missing something :D



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If you look very carefully at this picture, you can see rectangles at the bottom which I think are the hinges, so you undo the butterflies and the lid folds down towards you so you can lift it off, this is presumably most useful in large cases, where you might struggle to hold it on and do up the butterflies at the same time.
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...and the issue is, if you follow the labels on the case, the "sliding pin hinges" (is there a proper name for these BTW?) are at the bottom. However, if the case is on a flat surface, it's awkward to spring the lid open enough to let the hinges slide. Packing up is even worse--when used right way up, I tend to have to stand the case on it's end to get the pins to locate and slide in.


So, as noted above, I use them upside down with homemade arrows to show me how to set up.



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It's good to know that someone else has the same issues! I like the home made label idea - can't think why I haven't done that already. And I always assumed that the other makes of case had the same hinge fitting. Labels will now be made!
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