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Simple switch to control DMX


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Hi all,


I have a little project... what I want to do is use a switch or two - either a toggle switch or a couple of momentary action buttons - to switch about 3 channels of DMX between two sets of predefined values (one of those sets being all 0 if it makes things any easier!)


Since the DMX values don't have to be precise, the idea I have so far is to use an analogue to DMX MUX, but I haven't been able to find one at a reasonable price. I'm sure Artistic Licence used to make a basic one, and IIRC Maplin sold a DMX controller PCB which had switch inputs among RS232 and other things. Both seem to have been discontinued though.


Any ideas - cheap :nerd: ?





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Contains the module that maplin once sold and several other things that may be useful. Nothing cheap though.



From that page; "512 Channel Transmitter, Part #1-553 at £65.00 each" might be your answer, according to your ability to programme it and build it into a case.


Alternatively, according to your skills, take " http://www.terralec.co.uk/dmx_lighting_con...er/24518_p.html " and canibalise the interface if possible.



An alternative is to use a fitting as used for hotel venues with 4 - 6 buttons, controlling a dimmer pack for the lighting and giving as you want several push button controlled preset states. -- Possibly the plan closest to your idea snd furthest from your budget.

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Thanks JM,


I think I'll go for the Terralec idea, don't know why I didn't think of that before!


Annoyingly we've had an old Behringer Eurolight PCB with broken faders sitting around here for about the past 4 years, which would have been perfect and I could have even used its memory states, but it finally got taken away for recycling a couple of weeks ago.

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Ben Suffolk - of this parish - made me such a box last year...it was great!


Ben's site


1 Box

3 Push buttons


LED Par goes red, green blue.. I would attach a pic, but.............




Hope that helps





(MODS!! Why can't I post a Photobucket link? Have I missed something?)

Moderation: Seems to be working fine for me!

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