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"WORK" active cabs


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During a recent trip to Turkey I noticed that the FOH sound for the entertainment in the hotel (outdoors) was supplied by 8 flown "work" active cabs.


Any one heard these?

The look is very similar to the Mackie srm's, but the sound is not as good.


My main question is this.

During the day (I was sat watching by the pool, drinking!) the Entertainment team were aiming for more slp by linking up more " work" passive cabs to the actives.


But when they finally got them all hooked up the sound was actually WORSE.

I didn't say anything but why did they not notice this? And why was if worse?

I must say that I have never seen these cabs before and am not impressed with the sound. (15" plus horn 300w)

Will get a pic on when someone tells me how to use photo bucket!


John Denim.

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I think I know why it sounded awful, but I'm not the best person to put it into the exact right words. I think it involves constructive and destructive interference from the two speakers causing comb filtering though!
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I think Mervaka is on the money here. Trying to array boxes that aren't designed to array will usually end up sounding worse. Wherever their patterns overlap, sound waves interfere with each other, boosting some frequencies and attenuating others. I suspect the reason they didn't notice was because they weren't actually listening properly...
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Work are quite common in the UK but mainly for disco/pub/background use, some are similar in appearance to the IMG Stageline stuff. They're carried by several of the major trade distributors. They also have a stand at PLASA from time to time.
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