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pre programmed sceens M7/LS9


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Hi guys and gals,


just wondering if their is a selection of musical scene pre programmed cue downloads

for either the ls9 or m7, at the mo im going through a lot of scripts pre-programming

and it would be a great help if this was available some where out their

it would save a lot of time and im sure a database of such would be helpfull to a lot of engineers in musical theater


cheers guys



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obviously not for chorus members for the main UNCHANGING scripted characters then you can add in the others during rehearsal

I do believe it would be handy.....


have your own opinion I was just wondering if it was out their....


anyone else??

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But not everyone performs the same version of musicals which would render cues useless and also every engineer has different ideas as to how they like to setup scenes. Also, they scenes would have to be desk specific - you cannot move files between an LS9, PM1, PM5, M7 or Digico or any desk that I know of so someone would have to draw up scenes for each desk, sounds like a pointless task to me....


I can't see this database ever occuring, sorry.

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at the mo im going through a lot of scripts pre-programming and it would be a great help if this was available some where out their it would save a lot of time and im sure a database of such would be helpfull to a lot of engineers in musical theater
My experience as a digital audio console programmer for theater has lead me to conclude that preprogrammed scenes for theater is not a good idea. Not only does it not save you time and effort, it causes extra work. Even in my situation, where I know the routing the designer wants to use, and I know the band and cast layout, I never write scenes in advance. I do all the labeling, routing, and patching in advance. I work with the mixer writing scenes as we rehearse. If you pre-program your scenes, any changes you need to make later will have to made in every scene. You can avoid this by keeping those functions in recall safe, but that assumes that you want them in recall safe. It is very simple to write scenes as you go since you just make the changes you need from the last one, and hit store.


Marking up your script with cue numbers and notes may be worth the effort, but programming them into the console is not.



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What everybody has said, with the addition that, even when I've done the same show more than once (but with different directors) there have been too many differences for me to even use my OWN config and scene files.



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Database would end up being worthless completely. I have been using an M7CL for a month or so now, and we had a show where they where meant to give us there Saved file of the show from another M7CL, they forgot to bring it, so I mixed from scratch and their MD said I did a better job anyway. Bottom line is every venue is different, and like guys before me have said, no-one will perform the musical the same. or a show the same, with exact the same kit. ok, for a touring show with desk and engineer it is helpful to have a backup, but at the mo thats the only use I can see for it. but hey ho thats just my two penneth worth!
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