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Projector and Switcher/Scaler control

Lion Tamer

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Hi Guys


I have tried searching this one both here and on google but have not come up with anything suitable or any topics about it (other than control by fixed buttons).


I am looking for a touch screen between 5" and 10" (can be bigger if that is all we can get) that has the ability to control multiple rs232 compatible devices, it needs to be able to run independently of a computer (unless it is being programmed of course).


Initially it needs to be able to run a projector (20+ meters away) and a Kramer switcher/scaler. However it would also be beneficial if it could later accept other devices as well e.g. CD/DVD player etc. it probably a tall order as we would like it to cost at most about the same as the Procon button panel and network to rs232 interfaces that we will otherwise have to use (budget about £1000).


Anyone used such a thing and know of a reputable make or bit of equipment for this sort of thing or is it all connected back to a computer?


The reason for wanting touch screen is because it would give us more flexibility over how we can control things than a set of buttons.


Thank you in advance



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We're just about to install an Ikon AVS Touch 6 into a chapel as phase one of the renovations they're undertaking. Currently it will control an Allen and Heath iDR matrix switcher, but phase two sees the addition of a Kramer switcher, projector, screen and remote camera.


The list price is around £1500 ex VAT. We'll be spending a day with Ikon AVS to program the touch 6, and then installing it. Once programmed it requires no PC, and I've been told it is quite easy to program yourself.


I hope this helps. Feel free to PM if you need more help.

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AMX and Crestron are the two names that immediately come to mind.


But you say you want to cost around the same as your Procon system - the reason that most people go for Procon buttons is that they can't justify the expense of amx/crestron :rolleyes:

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Thank you both for your suggestions.


I will have a look at all sites/manufacturers mentioned.


I had a feeling that it may turn out at a lot more cost wise than the procon stuff, looks like buttons it is unless anyone else has a better suggestion or we get a miraculous increase in budget.


Are Procon the best and most reliable for this sort of thing? I have had a look round but can't seem to find anyone else who does this sort of thing.


Thanks again



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If you could accept using a computer then Colledia owned by Siemens may be able to do the job or otherwise find a friendly geek and get them to knock something up in Visual Basic for you. The latter option should be quite cheap.
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Are Procon the best and most reliable for this sort of thing? I have had a look round but can't seem to find anyone else who does this sort of thing.

I work in a University; we install 8-button Procon in virtually every small lecture theatre and semina room, to control the projector and amplifier - most small lecture theatres have a projector, a combo DVD/VCR and a laptop input. Maybe a visualiser. So the Procon setup is simple; just on/off/PC/DVD/Vis/vol+/vol-. And maybe lights on/off.


For any of the big lecture theatres, where we're dealing with multiple projectors and multiple sources, we use AMX.

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Again, I doubt you'll find anything AMX/Crestron within your budget.


Procon is actually part of AMX now.


I've used an Extron MLC226 DV+ in my recent installs, which will fit within your budget, allows for controlling DVD/VCR, projector & scaler, and is easily programmable. There's other options within that range available as well (but not all have >1 RS232 port).



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Well Procon it is then.


or otherwise find a friendly geek and get them to knock something up in Visual Basic for you.


I don't know of anyone else in the church that deals with VB so the friendly geek would end up as me - I will keep this as an idea for future reference though I don't think it would be quite what we want/need at the moment.


Certaintly for now I will stick with the procon units.


Thank you



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You mentioned you wanted a touch screen


The Pronto unit 9600 I think might suit you.


You can add an interface unit that will allow rs232 control.


About fits your budget.


other wise the Procon units are very good - EXCEPT that they seem to have stopped the rack mount unit recently - Shame as we used to fit one in every AV rack !!!



5-8" Crestron will cost you about £3-8000 !!! So thats not going to fit your budget.........

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