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Avolites Simulators


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I descovered a while ago that for club nights, my old beaten up laptop running DMX control, with a USB dongle was adiquate for running lighting. Doesn't really work for bands/stage shows though.


I notice that Avolites have free "simulators" for programming, and the Diamond one allows DMX output, through a HORRENDOUSLY expensive.


So, my idea is to buy the hardware add ons (little fader thingy, tablet) for the Diamond simulator, and try and use my existing DMX output.


Any ideas on wether this might be possible?



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MagicQ is a fairly good bet, especially if you are trying to do band/club nights. If anything, buy a touchscreen off ebay, and use your DMX dongle with the software, that way you can recall states quickly by just tapping on the screen, but can still do other programming without requiring a physical desk.
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So, my idea is to buy the hardware add ons (little fader thingy, tablet) for the Diamond simulator, and try and use my existing DMX output.


Any ideas on wether this might be possible?


As I understand it, the main purpose of the Avo simulator programmes is to allow pre-programming of shows, and also to allow ops to get familiar with a console layout and function before they have access to the 'real' one. It is also correct that with the addition of Avo's own hardware interface, the simulator programmes can be used as a real lighting desk with DMX outputs.


Avo have coded the simulators so that they will only work in this way using their own output hardware, and simply not work any of the other 'DMX dongles' out there. This is quite reasonable, because it means the simulators are only useful to people who either are also using a real avo console, or those who have purchased Avo's DMX output hardware. Otherwise, people would be able to effectively get an Avo desk without paying Avo anything for it!


In any case, the simulators are not really ideal for use as a live desk. I've never used them with the fader add-ons you mention, but I suspect many of the other PC based desks designed for live use would still be more suitable (MagicQ etc).


I currently use LightFactory with two Enttec dongles: one for the output, and one as an input, to which I connect a cheapo SceneSetter desk. This gives me the 'real' faders, and the computer gives me all the memory/chase/moving light functions I want. Not ideal, but does work quite nicely, is 100% legal (no cracks etc), and wasn't expensive.



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