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If I ran a course on......

Mark Payne

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Hi All


People that have attended my Line Array, Digital Mixing and Acoustics courses will know I sometimes use blue room members as "guinea pigs" for course delivery.... so ......


If I wrote a course on "Digital Audio Transport Systems" would you be interested? It is likely that I would compare and discuss:







I would make this practical with the demonstration of digital multicores using both optical fibre and CAT5 cable infrastructures.

We would look at elegant "on the fly" digital spilts for monitoring/broadcast and inline multitrack recording.


Likely to be run in late September 2008 as we now have a mad summer lining up.


So its your chance to influence the outcome... what would you like to see, discuss and have a play with?




Mark Payne (now AMIOA ;-)

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At the risk of it becoming too dry, might it be worth covering the background theory and practicalities - e.g. TCP/IP Protocol Stack and general issues to do with data distribution? Also, an overview of how the various digital multicore and the networked (and non networked) digital audio systems (Soundweb / London Soundweb, iDr, MediaMatrix etc.) operate at a practical level might be useful? However, that might well develop into yet another course!


Mark Payne (now AMIOA ;-)


You don't mention the fact that you won the award for best IOA diploma project! Well done!




Simon Lewis (MIOA!)


Oh, and I'd be interested in seeing the course!


PM sent too...

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Thanks Simon


I taught computer systems networking when I was with HP so I can do the TCP/IP bit no worries ;-)


BTW... did I mention that I won the IOA prize for the best acoustics diploma project of 2007? :** laughs out loud **: They gave me food and money and books! See, there is such a thing as a free lunch.



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I would probably be interested as at the moment I am eyeing the Axia Livewire system with a lot of interest for general 'utility' audio distribution within a facility but would be interested in having a play with other options.


Getting the time off work might be the trick however.


Regards, Dan.

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I would be very interested in learning about advanced DSP systems such as BSS SOUNDWEB , SOUNDWEB LONDON etc ,, These systems are beciming more common and are industry standard systems being used more and more . Let me know if you do decide to teach a cousrse on that ..




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I would be very interested in learning about advanced DSP systems such as BSS SOUNDWEB , SOUNDWEB LONDON etc ,, These systems are beciming more common and are industry standard systems being used more and more . Let me know if you do decide to teach a cousrse on that ..




You could try on-line courses run by BSS, they're free and excellent. I've taken the Soundweb course, run across two evenings, all you need is a PC and a broadband connection.


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I would be very interested in learning about advanced DSP systems such as BSS SOUNDWEB , SOUNDWEB LONDON etc ,, These systems are beciming more common and are industry standard systems being used more and more . Let me know if you do decide to teach a cousrse on that ..




You could try on-line courses run by BSS, they're free and excellent. I've taken the Soundweb course, run across two evenings, all you need is a PC and a broadband connection.




Or you could just go to the free monthly training courses held at Harmon UK. One day a month is soundweb original and another day is soundweb london. I've been on the original soundweb course. Its very well done. Crocodile was on the free lunch menu as well! Step up from some sweaty sandwhiches!



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