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Cleaning a DF50


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We have a DF50 with us at the moment which we are getting a very a poor haze output from, it going to be a few days before we can get to swap it out does. anyone experience of cleaning the air filters etc? might this help


Any Suggestions



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It's a messy experience!


Have a bowl of hot soapy water and copious amounts of paper towel ready before you remove a screw.


Note that, contrary to the manual, the water trap does not need to be manually drained on later models (something I was told after struggling to remove).


If cleaning filter doesn't help then check for leaks on the air hoses. This is a fault I have had in the past. Shortening or replacing the hoses is a nightmare because of the oil, but IIRC I do have some spare if you need. Be very careful when checking. It only needs a tiny break in a hose to cause a large pressure drop but can be difficult to find and it's very easy to accidentally touch the cooling fan blades at the front of the unit. This hurts. I don't recommend. Try the soapy water trick to find bubbles like with tyre punctures.

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Hi Leo,


Does the compressor motor sound as if it is struggling or stalling? If yes its probably a faulty motor capacitor. If not, check for air leaks as above and try and clean the air filter located next to the water trap. It doesn't hurt to clean the water trap while you're in there too.

If the unit has had incorrect fluid in it you'll need to try the purging and cleaning instructions Link

If you're lucky this can restore the output, if not you'll need a new tank which doesn't come cheap.

PM me if you need any parts and I'll point you in the right direction.


Good luck

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