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Help with a Behringer Super - x pro crossover


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To cut a long story short I have bought a crossover from Behringer (the super - x pro cx2310) and thought it would be simple to set up... I dont know much about sound and it seems alot harder than I imagened!


I have a mixer with left and right phono out puts (yes its for mobile discos!!) 2 amplifiers, 2 bass bins and 2 top speakers.


I have made phono to XLR leads and tried all sorts to try and get it to work... with no luck.


Has anyone used one before or knows how to set it up as im stumped!


As I said im not brill with sound so please be gentle and patient with me!! Any help would be GREAT!



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Hello Phil


I'll leave others with far more experience than me to advise you, other than to ask the obvious........... You say you've made-up some leads - You have checked the phono to XLR leads work OK plugged straight into the amp, haven't you?


I don't mean to doubt your expertise with a soldering iron, but I've been there.... :D


I've just bought a cx3400 myself & haven't had time to check it out yet.



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Yeah! Ive checked all the leads directly from the mixer to the amps and all the other leads etc!

Im a bit out of my depth with the instruction manual too so Im hoping someone can simplify it for me!


Thanks for your response!!

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I have made phono to XLR leads and tried all sorts to try and get it to work... with no luck.



What exactly doesn't work? Have you got any sound at all coming out? Does the (extremely limited) metering indicate that any signal is getting in to it? Can you describe exactly how you've got it set up in terms of what is connected to what and and how the various switches are set up on the crossover?

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I can try!

I have a mixer then connected to the phono output on the mixer a phono to XLR lead which goes into the XLR input on the crossover (there is only one which confused me as I thought there would be one for left and another for right) from the crossover I have the sub output going to the amp for the subs and this seems to be working... I then have a XLR to phono lead going from the 'mid' output to the phono input on the amp for the top end speakers.

As far as which buttons are pressed I have not touched any except from checking none of them are muted!


Does that make sense!!!?

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Can I respectfully suggest reading the manual (available on their website if you don't have the paper version), paying particular attention to the use of the mode switch on the back and the differences between 3 way mono operation and 2 way stereo operation?
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XLR input on the crossover (there is only one which confused me as I thought there would be one for left and another for right

nope theres 2,if you look at the back panel the labels above the XLR's are for 3 way,the labels below for 2 way.

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As I said, I've just received my cx3400 & it seems to be similar to yours, except it has additional options for mids, making it a tad more confusing than the cx2310 ;)


I've plugged mine up & it works fine, so I'll try to clear a bit of fugg.......


Set it to stereo mode (by the switch on the back)

As I read it, you then read the function labels at the Bottom of the front panel (those at trhe top should be for mono) This gives you an Input, Low Out & High Out for each of the (Left & Right) channels


You need to decide your xover frequency & set it for each channel (Check the multiplier switch (x1 or x10))


I think you can ignore the mono subwoofer panel for now :D


Set the input & output gains to "0" for now


It should work


The manual is not the clearest - I had to read it a couple of times & then with the beasty in front of me before it made sense


Hope this drivel helps - If not, put it down to the rather nice Shiraz I've been quaffing all evening


All the best



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This is something I have considered asking BR sound pro's.


I have Peavey (coughs and splutters) 118xt subs and Peavey impulse tops, (which I am looking to replace)

bins rated @ 350w rms, tops 400w rms both 4 ohms. (18" bw's and 12" bw's)


What would be the best frequencies for me?



Sorry Philb if I have hijacked your post!


John Denim.

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The venue will make a difference to the sound but should not be

the deciding factor on your crossover freqs


what cabs are you using



I would, to a point, disagree. A change in the crossover frequency of the cabinets you are using can make a huge impact on the perceived sound depending on the venue. I grant we are not talking 100's of hz's here but a 20hz frequency shift in the point at which your subs crossover can make a fundimental difference as can the slope you utilize to achieve the crossover.



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