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Was it Worth It?

Was it Worth It?  

35 members have voted

  1. 1. If you went to University

    • It was worth it
    • A waste of three years of my life, and lots of money
  2. 2. If you didn't go to University

    • I wish I'd stayed in Education
    • Thank God I didn't go
  3. 3. If you aren't at University age yet

    • I'm going to University
    • I'm not going to University
    • I'm not sure

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Now, I know that there are LOTS of topics on university, but it's hard (and slightly tedious) to trawl through hundreds of topics to find something that may not have been asked simply before.


So, if the mods will leave this open, I have a question for you all.


University: Was It Worth It? (The money and the time primarily)


University: Do You Regret Not Going?


I'm hoping this won't have hundreds of posts, just hundreds of people ticking two little circles at the top!


Thanks everyone!



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No offence, Chris, but I hope you don't try any computer programming - your choices aren't really that clear;-)


Also, at the risk of starting the very discussion you are trying to avoid, I'd suggest it's not always that simple. The course might be everything you hoped for, or you might find your expectations change as you go through the crucial phase of growing up from a 18 year old school leaver to a 21/22 year old adult.


Often, when students drop a course, (and perhaps criticise their University) the reasons they give won't state the full picture.


People's experience of University might be affected by the merits or problems of one specific course or institution, personal crises or inability to cope with academic life, a fantastic social life or a broken relationship.


No-one wants to be saddled with debt, but admission rates aren't going down, and increasingly the de-facto 'general job qualification' is moving from A level to degree.


My 2p...

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