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Counterweight Flying


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Ow sorry to hear about your misfortune.


Would freezer bags over the hands and dressings be any good, might not be too good for the drains though.


Still your not the first I think the big dent in the handrail by stage right in Brixton was caused in a similar manner when the unfortunate fell back down.


Get well soon



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Wow, that still looks painful and that's two weeks... thank goodness you're not a filthy freelancer like some of us, that's a LOT of (potential) lost work...


Best wishes & I hope you're better soon!

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There's the rub - I do indeed work for myself, so yes - there have been lots of jobs that I couldn't have done, but lukily, most jobs in the past few weeks have been clean, wear a suit type jobs (which seem to always pay more and are less hassle). I can drive now, which is good. Drive was impossible week one, painful - last week and just awkward now. Still - 400 miles to drive tomorrow, we'll see!


The nurse says the only thing is to still not get them wet, and under no circumstances pick the bits off!

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Whilst we all have sympathy for you and are pleased to hear that you are making a good recovery, no one has commented on the fact that somehow in the accident your hands have been transposed. (not to mention the poor circulation in the left, errr right, errr, one of them :))
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  • 2 months later...

Hope you get better soon Paul. Looking at the post dates, you should be getting very nearly back to normal again now.


So what happened? The flys were unbalanced, so you flipped the brake and then grapped the rope, or were already holding onto the rope when you took the break off?





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  • 3 weeks later...

Well glad your getting nearly back to normal service paul!


Maybe now - in the light of the accident, you can make a bid for a Nomad power system!!!



PS - whats the name of the theatre near you thats a funny shape and half buried in the hills! I remember going there with "Wheels on the Bus" tour a few years back!

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