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Shamefull obvious question to ask


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Telling us the make and model number of the amps might help people to give you the right information. My experience is mostly with video equipment but I would guess at isolation/connection of mains earth and signal ground. However, I could be wrong.
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Ground Link is the opposite of Ground Lift, the separation of signal earth (ground) from the amplifier protective earth to avoid hum loops through the input cable from the mixer. Removal of the earth wire from the mains plug to achieve the same result should obviously never be done, for safety reasons.


Ground Link OFF = Ground (Earth) Lift ON = FLOAT.




Reply prepared before the above was noted

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Over on the theatre-sound list - any mention of ground lift/link brings everyone out in a sweat. They have discussed this one for years. Boiling it all down, pretty well all quality product has a totally separate ground for signal purposes to the safety ground for the chassis. Some manufacturers, however, bond the two together causing the common earth loop hum we spend ages disconnecting screens to cure - by providing the multiple paths. The switch simply allows the useful separate purpose grounds to be linked. So we kind of lift grounds to solve noise problems, usually mains induced hum - but on some configurations of kit, nowhere is the audio path grounded at all - which in itself can cause noise problems. The amp switch can be a handy way of introducing the single ground path required to do it.


"The pin 1 problem" is a handy thing to bash into Google, and the topic (if you can stand it) is here.

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