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Universal Gel Catalog

Brent Smith

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I have always tended to use Rosco gels in the past mainly because their filing system has always been more user friendly: Blues in the 60's to 80's, Lavs in the 50's, Ambers in the 20's, and so on. We have Lee and Gam in stock as well but I am too lazy (with a handful of exceptions) to remember their numbers without a logical frame of reference. However I have been stumbling upon really pretty colours in the other brands and would like to put them to use.

Does anyone know of a catalog/database that presents visually, all or any combination of the major gel brands together in some spectrum-based order? I would like to see all of my colour options without switching from one swatchbook to another.


Thanks, Brent

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It's not exactly what you're looking for, but I thought I'd mention it anyway. Rosco produce a poster that has all the LEE equivelents on it. Quite handy if you don't have one or the other to hand.
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I remember reading somewhere many years ago that to catalogue all of the available gels from every manufacturer and put them in a proper relative chromatic order would require a numbering system of at least 6 digits, can you really imagine asking for a 589745 straw tint please, no thats a 589744... even though each manufacturer only produces a few hundred colours each.
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Contact your usual Rosco supplier - there is indeed a Rosco 'Colour' poster with all the Supergel, E-Colour+ and Lee equivalents on it, as well as diffusions, CalColour and Cinegel range on one roughly A1 sized poster which I'm looking up at as I write this post - mine was sent to me by Flints.


Slightly OT, but has anyone ever managed to obtain the Lee Master swatchbook? I see it in the Lee brochures, but don't know where I'd go about getting one from...



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Thanks for the thoughts guys,

In retrospect, I guess I was being a little too hopeful.

I just think, though that now gel catalogs are being incorporated into new consoles, it should'nt be long before someone combines them all on some personal website. But probably what I really want is that in the form of a massive swatchbook ( or broken down by color ranges.)

Neil, I'm not thinking of renumbering anything. My fantasy is to be able to choose color without any bias to company of origin. Say, find that perfect blue, then see who makes it and what number they call it.


Maybe one day I'll run out of fun things to do and I'll make one myself. Anybody want to preorder one?


Thanks, Brent

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