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Power handling & efficiency v driver size in subs


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Evening all,

As I'm (still) in the market for a Sound System for our venue, I've been keeping a eye on what's available on that auction site:


I came accross a pair of Ohm RWS Subs with 15" drivers, 300w RMS, SPL 102db for 1 watt @ 1 metre, max SPL 125, >45htz

There was also a pair of Proel Subs with 18" drivers, 400w RMS, SPL 98db for 1 watt @ 1 metre, max SPL 127, >40htz


I'd be interested to know "what the team think" would be the likely significant differences in sound quality & volume if both were run at, or close to, their maximum capabilities; Would the difference in efficiency cancel-out the difference in power handling?

I have no idea what drivers are fitted to either cab. but they are probably not a million miles apart in price, so would assume they might be fairly similar in quality?


One odd thing is that the Ohm bins are quoted as covering 45 htz to 2 khtz (assume a misprint?), whereas the Proels cover 40 htz to 160 htz.



Just for the record, I bid on the Ohm cabs & got 'em for 92 quid :P

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The figures theoretically don't add up. In a perfect world the ohm sub would output 125dB with 200watts input (at the measured frequency). And you'd expect the Proel ones to (again theoretically) output 124dB at its rms rating of 400watts.


These would be continuous figures not max figures.




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One odd thing is that the Ohm bins are quoted as covering 45 htz to 2 khtz (assume a misprint?), whereas the Proels cover 40 htz to 160 htz.
It is not uncommon with budget subs to measure their efficiency at non sub frequencies (like 1kHz), where their output will be greater. That may be why the Ohms are rated that high.



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Very true; I'll soon be in a position to judge the Ohms, but won't get the chance to check out the Proels.

It just struck me as interesting that the 2 systems might actually sound quite similar, while being quite different in physicality:


Shame I'll never know.



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All subs are not created equal! Even for similar electrical specification! Some will reproduce better than others. The best exaple of the worst is the car bass tube! Any excitation in range simply excites it's resonant mode and all bass notes are replaced with that one frequency. Once you have a reasoned short list carefull listening tests are needed to get the best product for your purpose.


Modern dance music may well benefit from a different system from that needed to augment a small jazz band.


One of the losses when buying from "box shifters" is the trial in situ that may be possible via a really knowledgable dealer.

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I'd love to be able to listen to a few but, down here in the sticks, it's just not on:

Our local music store has a lot of kit in stock.........but it's all Behringer (not that there's anything wrong with that - I love their mixers) but it does limit one's options somewhat ;)


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