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Fake Snow


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Hello im wanting a VERY SAFE Foam Snow or some kind of snow falling idea that I can use at a school prom this will be used outdoors however I want something that will not stain the dresses/clothes of the guests


any suggestions?




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I'm hiring 9 of these from SLX for an upcoming production:




They are basically a long trough that lets small pieces of paper fall out of the bottom at variable rates. By all accounts it is a good effect.

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hey guys thanks for all ideas but its going to be outdoors hence the reason I wanted foam because with the paper its gone and we cant clean it up! and I dont want to get a 75pound fine per piece of confetti :(


sooo any other ideas? it needs to non staining as it will be landing on clothes




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Have you tried asking Snowboy?


Had some SP snow machines from them for a nightclub snow party last year. Lots of coverage, very slippy, rather noisy and quite a pungent smell too! No staining but you could tell the snow had been there. Maybe the turbo might be more suited for outdoor use?


I think paper snow + a massive fan would be the way to go. Used it for the snowparty before that (~3 years ago), still finding it in the stage & rig!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know this is not what you asked for but have you thought about confetti, that can be fired from cannons, very effective. The handheld cannons fire 10m into the air and you can get whatever cut you want. I have just used this company for one of my performances www.confettimagic.com so I would recommend them.


If you did want to go with the "bubble" effect snow then most dont create much residue, typically the more expensive uses better fluid and gives less residue.


Hope this may be of help to you



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a hire company let me down on a snow meshine so I just brought a sound lab one for a christmas prom and I must say for the price I was very impressed cost the same as the hire and has done a great job no marks on dresses or carpets had a few hires from it to I have a video of it in action in a pubs newyears eve do if u want to see it.
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had this question at christmas

I hired the gentlman a paper snow machine

very simply it was a rolling drum filled with paper snow on a scaff pole between two manfrotos quite high in the air

works well looks great but only covers a small area.

to cover a large area you would have to have loads

the over option as people have said is a fan and a load of paper snow. (see tv "dave" I dent for example)

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  • 11 months later...
A skip load of shredded paper and some large fans. Have a look at the website for Slava's Snowshow for some ideas.


BTW, I understand they are still cleaning up the King's Theatre in Glasgow from the Snowshow tour early last year. :D


They were in again in late 2008, and as of a few weeks ago the stuff is still being found. the house tabs got twated a few weeks ago (can't remember exactly how) and we then spent time re sweeping the stage as there was a load still caught up in them.

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