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Having read the LTP /HTP post on the wike page - I do beleive the post below was closed off far too early. Frankly, the way in which the wiki pages have been written are not very clear; so, for someone starting out or with little experience of this would find it fairly useless. I know the difference between the two, but I had to read the wiki pages 3 times!!!!!


A project for a recent graduate perhaps; a challange to explain things is basic, clear and concise English so that someone like me, a complete idiot, can understand?




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And no Mod signed their name to closing it.....


A valid argument as I have searched the Wiki before and not found an answer to my question. (that I can either comprehend or it just hasn't been added).


This isn't an attack or comment on Bruce and his valuable and free-time input however.




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Thanks for the thoughts, seeing as people seem to have more to say on this subject I have re-opened this thread for now - remember though if you think the wiki is missing something then do feel free to update it!


Many thanks



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Remove the bit about '...usually with diode "or" gates'. It makes no sense even if the reader knows what diodes, gates in general, and OR gates in particular actually are, especially when you consider that most desks these days are entirely software-based. Besides, gates are logic devices (i.e. digital) so using them to combine analogue levels (the faders) does not make sense. And before this thread splits into a discussion of the electronics in lighting desks let me make this point : From the desk operators point of view what matters is what the desk does, not how it does it.
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