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Inverted Stagescans?


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CP Stagescans - are they happy to operate upside-down?


It's a bit tedious, to say the least, swapping the yoke from top to bottom every time I want to put my Stagescans onto stands or floor bases (not to mention swapping them back afterwards) - so my question is, can anyone think of a reason why a Stagescan wouldn't be happy to run inverted (i.e. with the fans and access doors at the bottom of the fixture instead of the top)? The cooling is all forced (two fans over the electronics, a fan under the lamp), so I can't imagine that turning the unit over would upset any convection cooling. Is there any other reason why this wouldn't be a good idea?

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It's been a few years since I looked after Stage Scans but I seem to remember there was a reason why we always turned the yoke arms round when running them on the floor.


I think it was because one of the modules could drop and catch on the lid it might have been the gobo section as I seem to recall it is only screwed down on one side and that top bar can allow a bit of movement.


The heat issue can be a problem in warmer venues.


Out of interest what lamps do you run in them. Some brands always seem to deform on the side away from the reflector. I was wondering if it is still the same.




Might have been the prism section at the front that catches. I wish my memory was better.

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It's been a few years since I looked after Stage Scans but I seem to remember there was a reason why we always turned the yoke arms round when running them on the floor.


I think it was because one of the modules could drop and catch on the lid it might have been the gobo section as I seem to recall it is only screwed down on one side and that top bar can allow a bit of movement.

You may well be right, Doug - my rather hazy recollection is that the modules each have two allen bolts in the bottom, but I haven't opened them up for several months and it's quite possible that I'm remembering incorrectly. I'll have to have a look next time I have one out of its case.


The heat issue can be a problem in warmer venues.

Could be worth watching, then. I use mine in theatre situations primarily, rather than clubs, so heat isn't quite so much of a problem - still a consideration, though.


Out of interest what lamps do you run in them. Some brands always seem to deform on the side away from the reflector. I was wondering if it is still the same.

I have Osrams in mine. Haven't experienced any problems with lamp deformity yet, but they only get very light occasional use so it may not become evident until the lamps have burned a few more hours.


Thanks for your comments.

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To confirm, each card is held in with 2x Allen bolts. Theyre built exactly the same as the GS.


I think the reason most people swap the yoke is because of the heat build up inside.


If you leave the transit bar in place, like most do because they dont understand it should be removed, which holds the cards down you shouldnt have any major problems other than the heat build up.

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Hi Steve


All the modules are held down by 2 bolts but I seem to remember that the 2 bolts holding one of the modules down are on one side it, from memory it is the prism module, but I could well be wrong on that.


I am intrigued by your comment about the transit bar. Would you care to elaborate?





Edited for my appalling use of English.

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I'm curious about the transit bar comment, too - I've never heard it suggested that the bar should be removed before operation, neither does the manual say anything about it (it mentions transit bands, but nothing else). It's also shown as a part in the exploded view diagram on the spare parts list ...
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I don't understand why you don't just turn the mirror unit upside down rather than the whole scan surely that's much easier. I can't think of any good reason to take the yoke off.

CP Stagescans - are they happy to operate upside-down?


It's a bit tedious, to say the least, swapping the yoke from top to bottom every time I want to put my Stagescans onto stands or floor bases (not to mention swapping them back afterwards) - so my question is, can anyone think of a reason why a Stagescan wouldn't be happy to run inverted (i.e. with the fans and access doors at the bottom of the fixture instead of the top)? The cooling is all forced (two fans over the electronics, a fan under the lamp), so I can't imagine that turning the unit over would upset any convection cooling. Is there any other reason why this wouldn't be a good idea?

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I don't understand why you don't just turn the mirror unit upside down rather than the whole scan surely that's much easier. I can't think of any good reason to take the yoke off.

I don't think you've understood what I'm asking, I'm afraid. Have another read and try again ...



The manual - http://www.claypaky.it/support/pdf/stage_scan_manual_ing.pdf - does state:
Working position

Operation in any position.

That's very true. To be honest, given the lack of any evidence that running them inverted will actually cause problems, and given the nature of how they're cooled (forced airflow), I'm minded to just throw caution to the wind and try it next time I need to stick one on a stand or on the deck ...

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