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Arkaos Advice

Nick S

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I'm looking at Arkaos for use in a potential live video application - I'm wondering if anyone can answer a question before I lay down the cash. I want three projectors running three different video feeds. Now *assuming* I have the hardware to do that (ie, a fast enough computer, enough video cards, etc), is it possible to do this using one copy of Arkaos?


Thanks :(

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I could not find a way with my copy to run more than one output. You also can not run more than one instance of the application on a single computer.


I suspect that this is intentional to hit performance targets. You need a pretty hefty computer and graphics card to output video across three screens. It can be done with the latest more powerful hardware but I know this is not the market Arkaos is targeting.


The best I know is the Hippo with still only two outputs and they have purpose built hardware.


I would still say though that it is probably better to run them all on separate computers and control them from another computer networked. With multiple computers if one goes down you still have two left :-) and you are not pushing them to the limit.

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I've never been able to run different feeds to different output devices.


That said I've only ever used ArKaos in conjunction with "non-standard" displays, such as LED cloths and floors so don't have much experience using multiple displays. The one time I have tried using multiple screens simply crashed the system, but I believe that was more down to a conflict between the two configuration & management softwares for the various display units than ArKaos itself.


I have heard of people "spanning" several video cards, but I am unsure whether this is simply porting the same stream to all or using multiple card heads to generate one high-res screen.

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The original question was


I want three projectors running three different video feeds


You can only ever get one feed out of Arkaos irrespective of how you configure the graphics card. All you will be able to achieve is the same video going to multiple monitors.

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Yeah, I figured that was the way to go. This whole project is something of a pain, in terms of finding software to do it in. It's looking like I may have to knock something up in Max/Jitter - Arkaos . Money's no object, but hardware is (perverse funding issues). I'm guessing spanning the display is going to be the best option.


You can only ever get one feed out of Arkaos irrespective of how you configure the graphics card. All you will be able to achieve is the same video going to multiple monitors.


...so I assume the solution is to simply create a very wide feed, split it using something like a Matrox TripleHead, and then have three separate evenly spaced videos...

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I think I see what you're trying to do, but you're going about it the wrong way. (I think)


You don't need to run more than one copy - I doubt it would work anyway.


You wish to select some video to run on projector 1, and then also select different video fr the other two - kind of having each screen play a different set of clips?


If you have multiple monitor outs, arkaos is happy to spread the output across them, like windows does with two or more monitors. You then set each clip to on;y use part of the screen - so some clips can be resized to go left, others in the middle, and the others right. You can also half the screen size and then move these size boxes anywhere. get the onscreen keyboard up where each key shows the clip on it and double clip the little icon. a box pops up that gives you the sizing options. If I was doing this, I'd probably just cluster the cips to be played in the left mid or riht parts of the keyboard for ease of access. Arkaos can have multipl instances of a clip mapped to the keys so you can have the same one running in 3 places if you like. Does that help?


Any attempt to run multiple instances fails as you only have one keybard, so even if it worked, it would be hell to work!

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I often run three seperate video feeds from 1 laptop using a Triple Head 2 Go from Matrox - great bit of kit!


Presume you're on PC? I use Mac and a program called Modul8 (www.garagecube.com), very stable and fast running. I usually run 3 800x600 clips, but I will run 3 1024x768 if the codec is right.


A lot of the time I produce a 2400x600 clip that spans across the three projectors


Haven't used Arkaos for a long time, Modul8 produced far better results for my work.


On the PC I'm sure Visual Jockey is now Open Source - you might well be able to produce a specific patch for what you want...

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Another option might be Watchout. Assuming you have the PC's to run the show and can buy the software.


Monsho- are you on a Desktop or Laptop? Just wondering if the Triple Head 2 go runs on any machine or just the relevant graphics card.

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Another option might be Watchout. Assuming you have the PC's to run the show and can buy the software.


Monsho- are you on a Desktop or Laptop? Just wondering if the Triple Head 2 go runs on any machine or just the relevant graphics card.


I running off a MacBook Pro laptop - the Triple Head 2 go runs on any machine as far as I know, you'll need a decent card though. All the box does is trick the graphics card into thinking you've got a super wide monitor fitted and then splits the image into 3.

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Hmmmm that's interesting to know. I've got a PowerBook with the tweaked up ATI video card and !28Mb of video RAM (bought it over three years ago mind...), so might be worth a punt to see if it works.


Might well work fella - haven't tried on a Powerbook but it was all running very well on an ATi 128 Meg card last week...

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