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director's chairs

the kid

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We are doing "On The Town" in the summer and its designed to be "in a studio/rehearsal space pre the filming of the now famous film"


We are looking for about 25 director's chairs like these. The downside is that propper ones are in the region of £50+ and that is WAY above the actual budget.


I have emailed some makers to see what I can get but I'm not getting my hopes up too much.


And of course being a college we are begging, borrowing and removing off the back of a truck to get thing, so cheep as possible.





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That is quite a lot of chairs you need there...


Im sure you would be able to do a deal with some manufacture/supplier due to high number you need bet its not everyday they get a order of that size!


In the mean time ebay is awash with them in all styles and prices and come in pairs fours etc


But failing that I stumbled across this much cheaper than £50 (that will teach you to do your prop sourcing at Harrods prefer poundland myself.. ha ha )



happy chair hunting....

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  • 3 months later...

At the end of the day we needed about 14, we got no where near that total. We got 5 off free-cycle. We have numerous chairs from other shows that are all similar (bent wood style) so we are using those.


The 5 we have are all set dressing.

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Failing any of the above some prop hire companies might be able to help. The one I used to use I believe has ceased trading but they looked like they had everything, I mean EVERYthing, I would imagine there might be a company near you that might be able to hire you some. Any thoughts on where BR?
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I should point out that we are running tomorrow. I thought I best follow up on everything.


I did call up Newmans and several other places but they had nothing, or were expensive to actually GET there to hire.

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