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I've inherited a set of 4 Unomat LX301Z video lights at the school where I work and three of the bulbs have blown in the last fortnight...I'm presuming it's a lifespan thing, as they haven't been knocked about and no one has touched the bulbs.


I've been trying to acquire some replacement bulbs and Keene seem to be the only distributor in the UK. They say that they're out of stock and it may take a few weeks. I've tried the Unomat website www.unomat.de, but it appears to be down. In the past their customer service has been incredibly slow. I'm just wondering whether they've gone out of business or something?


Does anyone know of another bulb that will fit these lights? My concern is that it's the end of the financial year and we have photography exams coming up before we'll get our next round of money in, so we wouldn't even be able to buy or hire lights in. We're only just about able to squeeze the money out to get bulbs in.


Once April comes I'm going to replace these lights altogether with Interfit Cool-lites. I'm really not impressed with the Unomat lights at all, even though they are intended for video.

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Keene now appear to sell exclusively through Amazon. They don't list a 300WMB, but this looks like an equivalent. Note that the rated life is only 15 hours!!!


Hi guys...I liked the wayback site...it doesn't go deep enough to tell me the bulbs though. I do have a box for one at work, so I can check that tomorrow.


Boatman, I'm presuming that 15 hours is a very short rated life? I've been in the job a year and only had to change one of the bulbs in that time, so they've done well!

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IIRC 15-20 hours was a typical lamp life on the Redheads that we used in TV newsgathering. The lamps usually broke after being bundled into the back of an estate car whilst still hot, rather than burning out.
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