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Does anyone know of an easy ready reckoner for those irritating lekos that are stated in "6x...whatever"?


ie: What is the beam angle of a 6x9, a 6x12, a 6x16 and a 6x22?



....and for bonus points, what's wrong with using the beam angle? Seriously! :D

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6 x 9 is 37deg

6 x 22 is 11deg

6 x 16 is 19deg

6 x 12 is 26deg


these figures are correct but as most of those lamps are getting long in tooth at this stage be careful if it is a crucial part of your show.

I think and am open to correction is the 6 x 9 refers to the lenses which in for example a 6 x 9 would have a 6 inch diameter and 9 inch focal length, ETC source 4 just refer to the focal length for example 37deg.

I'm not sure if this is the reply you were looking for.


Regards C

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ETC source 4 just refer to the focal length for example 37deg.

The number on the ETC S4 lens tube is the beam angle not the focal length

[extreme_pedant]ETC make a 36degree lens tube not a 37degree[/extreme_pedant]



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