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Shure ULX2-S3 Error


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I have a Shure ULX2-S3 (handheld) it is stuck in master list mode with the screen showing E002 the manual suggests holding down the set button for 10 seconds to exit this menu but this does not work. Any suggestions?





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Problem solved thanks to a very nice man at Shure technical support.


Apparently the ULX allows setting of upper and lower limits with the master list if you then set the lower limit higher than the upper limit the microprocessor gets confused. To get out of this power the unit up holding the mode key turn it off and back on again still holding mode the unit then flashes LF and your frequency (somewhere between E000 and F440) hold the set button till it displays E000 (it takes a while so try not to miss first time round remember it starts again after F440) press the mode button again it should flash UF and your upper limit set this to F440 (it counts down for this function) press mode again and it should return to the normal display.

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