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Raw egg drinking - without the raw egg!


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Perhaps more of a one for a magic forum than here, but it is for stage purposes!


I have the need for a member of cast to crack an egg into a glass and drink it. Only problem is they (quite understandably) don't want to be drinking a raw egg. The cracking of an egg is quite important.


To explain, this is a christian piece set around a spoof game show at easter time. The contestant can win a box of chocolate eggs if they answer 3 questions right. Then the host cracks an egg into a cup in full view of the audience and says if they fail, the contestant has to drink the raw egg. Quiz goes on and the final question is impossible. Contestant loses and is "egged on" (sorry!) by the audience to drink the egg. At the last minute the host grabs the cup and knocks it back himself. Something deep and meaningful about taking the punishment for another persons crimes.


But........ Like I say, we're really keen for the host not to have to drink a raw egg. I know some people do drink them, but it's not for us!

Ideas crossing our minds so far - a switch of cups halfway through to something slightly more pleasant (the contestant will be in on the gag, so the illusion is just to the audience). But people will be looking for a trick and it needs to be watertight.

What about an egg that's been pierced top and bottom and had the contents removed. Then been washed out, sealed with plasticine, and filled with a different contents?


Does anybody have any other ideas? Perhaps there's a supplier of fake eggshells out there I've not come across!


I've googled and all I can find is stuff about a fake egg scam from china. One site gives a recipie for making fake eggs, but the contents looks worse than a standard egg!



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Not sure about the egg part... but I've seen this sort of thing done with custard pies instead.


So all the usual impossible questions (which have two answers, so you choose the one that they don't say) and then it finishing with someone taking the pies for the contestants!




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That's the ticket! Unfortunately pies wouldn't work out as we'd be shot by the church for making a mess!


The egg also features in an easter egg theme we're using, so it's quite apt. I know somebody who has done this one but he drinks raw eggs pretty regularly anyway.

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I have the need for a member of cast to crack an egg into a glass and drink it. Only problem is they (quite understandably) don't want to be drinking a raw egg. The cracking of an egg is quite important.



Well you could add,


1Tsp Worcestershire sauce

2 Dash vinegar

1 Dash of pepper

1tsp Tomato juice


and turn it into a praire oyster, cures whatever ails you. :blink:

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You could try using a blown egg (pinpricks top and bottom leaving it hollow) and breaking it into an opaque receptacle (cup, dark glass) which already contains your egg-like drinkable concoction. You could try refilling the empty shell but it will probably be a laborious process, and the result will be fragile, especially depending the weight/ density of whatever substitute you fill it with.


You could break an egg into a glass live and then switch it for an identical glass containing your substitute. The swap could be quite bold, if you (the actor) distract the audiences attention away from it. One way would be to have your quiz host/ contestants at individual podia - one podium has a shelf on the upstage side, containing your duplicate glass. At some appropriate moment when other characters are talking, your man merely places one glass down, picks up the other, and returns it to the position of the original. Or if you have a busy table, place the glass behind some larger item, picking up the substitute previously hidden there - if your table is upstage then the whole swap is covered by your actor's body.


If you are determined that the egg MUST be seen to be broken and the contents MUST be seen to be drunk (I'm sure you can get by with a simple switch in this instance) - then get in touch with Davenports magic, who will be able to advise on various eggs available to magicians - rubber eggs, hollow eggs etc.


Davenport’s Magic, 7 Charing Cross Underground Concourse, Strand, WC2 (020 7836 0408/ www.davenportsmagic.co.uk) Charing Cross tube/rail.

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I'm not sure if you'll like this.. if you stir it a bit (so it's kind of "broken", I don't know what the term is in english) and add salt and pepper it's pretty tasty. it's a good sauce with french fries for example :blink:
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"...and I, for your repentance, shall drink this delicious "eggs benedict" - I add a little salt and pepper, a pinch of garlic cloves, and wazz it up in the blender. Pucka!"


Doesn't quite have the same ring, does it?




How about milk, water and orange food colouring - that'd be edible, and looks like eggs, I'd say.



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I like the idea of breaking an already empty egg into an opaque glass. As I say, the contestant is in on it, so the contents doesn't have to look too egg-like at all, just yellow and liquid! Orange juice would do! Especially if we make a thing about "whisking it to get rid of the lumps" so it's just fluid, no seperate yolk.


The magic links look interesting and if push comes to shove and a practice run looks less than convincing, we'll take that route. Getting the point across is the main thing.


Not thought about using an empty egg, I was thinking empty egg, filled up with something less nasty (after being washed out), but if we hide the cracking of the egg a little it will work.



Thanks folks



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maybe putting some thick sugar syrup in the emptied egg would be good... crack the egg slightly concealed into your opaque receptacle already containing your orange whatever. then you lift it up to show the rest of the gloppy almost see-through 'egg white' coming out :) that might look convincing




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Guest lightnix
Well, you could "blow" the egg to get rid of the contents, then use a syringe to inject a replacement. (And then reseal the holes with scotch tape or similar.) But I can't think of anything less disgusting that would look right to replace the contents with.

That's what I was thinking, but have you ever actually tried to blow an egg? You wouldn't want to do it for a long run - you'd wind up with cheeks like Dizzy Gillespie's :P


As for the filling, you (obviously) need two substances that won't mix. I was thinking maybe glycerine or glucose syrup for the white and thickish icing or some kind of fondant for the yolk. Inject the white first and then the yolk - experiment in a glass to establish the correct mixes.


PS - There are potential Salmonella issues with consuming raw eggs. Even if they have been overstated by the press on occasions, it's better to be safe than sorry.

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A little practice in the method of "cracking" those may lead to a reasonable effect Wuddy, thanks.


This weekend's task - attempt to blow an egg


(waits for the comments on that previous line)


A serious washing out will be needed to make sure there's nothing left inside, perhaps something antibcterial first followed by water to rinse.


I'll have a play!

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  • 4 weeks later...
That's what I was thinking, but have you ever actually tried to blow an egg? You wouldn't want to do it for a long run - you'd wind up with cheeks like Dizzy Gillespie's :o


Easiest way to empty/refill an egg :-


Egg blowing


My mums been doing this for years. You can get insulin syringes from chemists, or bigger ones from vets or a friendly doctor (show them the web article so they don't think you're a drug addict!)

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