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I am before buying soundsystem. Maybe new, maybe secondhand.

Between 5-15k on floor. Don't care weight and size..:D +;-,

3 things!

wish/like warm !! , globular sound !!

well modified. I mean, different size (for ex. 8x15m, 15x30m,5x8m rooms), or together Outdoor...

use 1/2 times electronic music , 1/2 time live bands..

What Do You think about the different of the sound ext. amps or self powered speakers?

anyway PLS help with thinks if You Can!

Bests, and Thanks, Kndh

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no this is not the wrong place to ask.

it's the perfect place to ask.


the information you gave is a little confusing.

my brain translates it to this;


you are asking for a our opinion for a sound system that produces 5-15 kilowatts

weight and size does not matter

but you do want three thing's

you are looking for speakers the produce a 'warm' sound.

(although a sound engineer choice would be a roughly flat frequency response so that s/he can 'tone' the sound for their likening)

you would like the system to be able to cover various room sizes and be suitable for outdoor events

the system needs to be used for electric and live bands

you are also asking our opinion on whether the system should be active or passive.


my advice would be to look at HK's systems.

HK have a good calculator here this will tell you which one of their systems will suit your particular needs

if I had the money and where given the job to choose a system I would be looking at the Projector system.


hope I'm helping :D

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